Chapter 23

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These past few days have been a lot to unravel for Dude. Things have been happening so fast that he didn't know where to start until now. Now that it was nighttime (or at least that's what it said according to the clocks in this place), Dude had time to process everything.

The first thing that happened was him getting kicked off of the basketball team after the unfair treatment he'd received. Secondly, he was brought to this Skyline place. At least he wasn't alone, he probably would've lost his mind after a couple of days. Thirdly, this woman just showed up from the darkness outside and started to challenge each member of this group one by one. Finally, these transformations that everyone else went through and witnessing those ghosts. The outfits and changes that the others received were incredible, but still confusing. They dressed up exactly like how the ghosts were. And the ghosts were of the group before them. They were all grown ups, so they might have been dressed lie that for a while. Were they brought here just like them? Did they go through the same kind of challenges?

And the photograph.

In the photograph, the group seemed happy, and there were other people in the background. So this place was open to others to walk around freely. It was obviously before Dawn showed up and did whatever she did. There was a happy time in this place before she showed up.

But who is the one missing from the photo? Why were they torn off?

Dude covered his face with his hands and yelled into them. He felt like he was swimming, but no matter how hard he kicked his legs, he wasn't going anywhere. He was just stuck in place.

Just why can't they get a straight answer already?!

Dude sat there before he felt a rough tongue lick his hand. He looked up, and met face to face with Rainbow. The dog whined a little before letting out a small bark. He even raised a paw, slapping it on the bed. Dude let out a small chuckle. He shouldn't be too surprised that the dog became a mini dictator. Ever since they found Rainbow, he insisted on staying close by Dude at night. He didn't understand why, but he just accepted his self proclaimed roommate. He honestly expected Rainbow to stay close to Bud after what happened that day. He was proven to be very wrong. Guess Rainbow just preferred to sleep in this room for some unknown reason.

"Okay, okay. I'm going to sleep now, Rainbow. Just have a lot on my mind right now." He said, rubbing Rainbow's head affectionately. He needed to get some sleep anyway. He was the last one to do a challenge. He needed all of the energy he can get for it. He laid down, sinking a little into the mattress. He pulled the covers up to his shoulders, sighing in satisfaction. It was like being wrapped up in a cloud. He hadn't felt comfortable like this for a while. He figured that the stress was more than enough to make him exhausted. He heard Rainbow move to his usual spot. It was a pile of blankets that Dude was able to scavenge for. He was worried that it wouldn't be enough, but Rainbow was satisfied with his makeshift dog bed. Without being able to think or do anything anymore, Dude finally drifted off to sleep.


After many hours, Dude was wrapped up in a deep sleep. He had made himself vulnerable to the danger that had come to him. Dawn manifested into the room. She was careful to not get too close. She had enough practice to make sure that she wouldn't be caught. Dude didn't seem to notice. He only pulled the covers over him a little more. Just a minor response, nothing to be worried about. Rainbow wasn't fooled however. He sensed that something was wrong. He woke up instantly. He started to growl but Dawn was ready. She waved her hand and Rainbow was suddenly forced out of the room. The door slammed behind him before he could start barking. If he had started, it was already too late. Unless the doors were open, the rooms were soundproof. No one would know until it was too late.

Dude sat up a little from the noise. He looked around. However, his mind was clouded with sleep and he didn't even sense any danger around him. He didn't register that Rainbow wasn't in the room nor that his door was closed. He just laid back down, slipping back into his slumber. Dawn continued to stare down at him. He was so peaceful that it would be a shame to disturb him. However, Dawn had a job to do. She won't let these brats go no matter what. She had done this before. Five times before. She went to each one of these kids and dove into their memories and darkest dreams. This time was going to be the last time. Then it'll be over.

"You put up a front. Let's see what your weakness really is." Dawn whispered, raising a hand. A shadow extended out from her cloud. It reached out towards the bed. It approached the vulnerable teenager. It circled around his head, looking like a black halo. At first, nothing happened. After a few moments, Dude's face creased up in anguish. He let out a small groan before it turned into whimpering. Normally Dawn wouldn't do a deep dive like this. She only found one weakness with the others. She'll have to look deeper with this one. If one falls, they all fall. The more she looked, the wider she grinned.

Such turmoil...

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