Chapter 3

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Finding the kitchens were easy enough. All that everyone had to do was jump over the counters and go to where the kitchens were. Finding food was even easier. Every fridge, freezer and other storage spaces were stocked full to the brim. They all grabbed what they could and started cooking their chosen meals. During that time, no one else came to stop them. No member of staff or anyone else for that matter interrupted their small quest for nourishment. The air smelled heavy of different foods and everyone unanimously agreed that they were grateful that they could eat. Whoever wanted them here clearly wanted them to live longer than a month. Since there was such a stockpile of food, there wasn't a worry about running out of food anytime soon. But everyone silently agreed that they shouldn't take what they want recklessly.

"I guess we got lucky that this food was here!" Sprout giggled as he finished putting together his meal.

"And still in date somehow!" Bud added, subconsciously making sure that the items of food on his plate were separated from each other. No one spoke as they ate after that exchange. They joined a couple of tables together so that they could all be at one table. Despite the extra company, each one of them felt alone, isolated even. They were all ripped away from the places they knew and the people that they cared about. Did anyone even know that they were missing? Someone had to know by now. Their disappearance was too sudden to not be suspicious. At least that's what they believed. It's what they want to believe so that they can have something to hold onto. The only thing that they can find solace in was that they were all in the same situation.

Once everyone had finished their meals, they all gathered in one kitchen to start cleaning up. A couple of the others brought what they used from the other kitchens so everything could be done at once.

"Hey! Where's Sprout? He was meant to help with cleaning up!" Pip suddenly asked, looking around for the green clad boy. Everyone scanned the kitchen, noticing that he really had gone. Guess he decided to back out of helping to clean up.

"I hope he hasn't tried those doors again." Dude muttered, remembering how awful it was to witness him nearly being pulled outside the building.

"I'm sure he's not that stupid." Pip grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of her neck. There was the sound of fast feet before there was this small crash. Judging by a small groan that followed, Sprout was rushing to the kitchen and possibly slipped on something. After a few seconds, he appeared at the doorway, panting heavily. No one rushed him or started to tare into him about avoiding a simple chore. They just let him catch his breath. As soon as he could speak properly, he pointed wildly down the hall.

"Hey! Hey!" He shouted excitedly.

"What is it?" Candi asked curiously.

"Found something here!" Sprout beamed before he ran off again. Thinking that it was a clue as to where they were or a way to communicate with the authorities, everyone else followed him. Sprout seemed to be faster than he looked as he disappeared down a corridor that was blocked off by an employee only door. He'd often pause and wait for the others to catch up a little before he continued to run. The group dashed up a flight of stairs and down a corridor. Sprout suddenly stopped. He stopped so abruptly that Dude almost crashed into him.

"Rooms! Our rooms!" Sprout beamed as he pointed ahead of him. Everyone gathered around. They frowned for a moment before spotting the doors in front of him. Each one was a different colour. Red, yellow, green, blue, pink, purple and grey. And the doors had nameplates on them. Each name of everyone here was printed on a door. Only the grey one didn't have a name. As if this day couldn't get any stranger. Or creepier.

"Sprout, how did you find this?" Mimi asked, hands on her hips.

"When you all went to the kitchen without me, I noticed that the door was open slightly. Thought that I should take a look." Sprout shrugged, looking quite pleased with himself. He didn't stop to answer any questions as he dashed over to the green door. He opened it widely and went inside. He could be heard humming a little in satisfaction. Slowly, Pip did the same thing with the purple door. She opened it and peeked in, looking surprised.

"Someone really wanted US to be here. But why?" She asked after inspecting the room from the doorway.

"My brain is too drained to think. I'll let you know in the morning." Bud muttered, rubbing his sore head. He didn't wait for anything else as he just strode into the room with the red door.

"Can't believe that I'm this tired this early. Goodnight everyone." Mimi yawned as she stepped through the yellow door. No one stopped her as they started to feel tired as well. This day has been more than draining to say the least.

"I'll put the dishes through the dishwasher!" Candi volunteered and skipped away before anyone could stop her.

"I'll go grab our bags." Pip sighed, heading back to the stairs.

"I'll give you a hand." Dude offered, suddenly remembering that everyone had left their bags among the tables and chairs. Because of Sprout suddenly announcing his discovery, no one thought to grab their bags. It just happened too suddenly.

"Hey. Sorry that I've been short tempered when you were just trying to help earlier." Pip suddenly spoke up as she grabbed a red laptop bag (Bud's), a fluffy pink backpack (Candi's) and purple shoulder bag (her own). Dude looked at her curiously before he remembered her outburst at him from before. "I'm not a fan of being put in certain situations."

"It's new for all of us." Dude smiled reassuringly as he grabbed his rucksack along with Mimi's and a green backpack (Sprout's).

"I'll make it up to you all. Count on it!" Pip vowed before doing a rock on gesture with her hand. Dude couldn't stop smiling at that. Pip definitely seemed like someone to rely on. In fact all of them did. They didn't give him a reason to not trust them so far. No one has turned on him, so that's a good sign. Candi caught up to them as they made their way back to the rooms. The unclaimed bags were left outside the closed doors. After say Goodnight to the two girls, Dude finally stepped into his designated room.

His room was almost perfect. It was blue: walls; carpet; curtains; bed covers; light shade and lamp. Posters hung on the walls of basketball teams and marine life. On a desk was an encyclopaedia with marine conservation magazines. There was a mini basketball hoop on one of the walls with a mini ball sitting patiently under it. There was a chest of draws that could store his clothes. After looking at another door, there was a small en-suite that was filled with everything he needs. The room was almost ideal for him.

There were only a few things that he didn't like about the room. One of thing things was the window. It was still showing this blackness. He didn't dare to try to open it. If it was going to be like the door that Sprout opened earlier, he knew that he'll be sucked right outside and no one would be able to help him. Another thing that he didn't like about the room was the lack of clothing. He found two sets of blue pyjamas and a duplicate of the clothes that he was wearing right now minus the cap and trainers.

Guess he'll need to try to find where laundry can be done if everyone was in the same situation as him.

Feeling drained Dude showered and got ready for bed. He checked his phone again. He wanted to try calling again, but he had this sinking feeling that it still wouldn't work. He didn't even know if his family tried to call. They must have done after realising how long he had been gone for. He thought that maybe trying to send a text won't hurt. There might be a chance that it'll get through to the outside world. He didn't know how to explain it all, but something simple will do:

Hi Mum and Dad

You've probably realised that I'm missing by now.

I don't know where I am, but I'm alive. I'm going to find a way home.

See you soon.

Holding his breath, Dude hit send. However, a few seconds later, the text failed to send. Deflated, he placed his phone on the desk. He just didn't know what to do. He felt like he needed to keep everything together. He might be able to for a few days maybe but after that? He wasn't sure. It was almost like a ticking time bomb. He'll just put up a front until a rescue comes. There had to be a rescue. Right?

With that resolve in mind, Dude finally drifted off to a restless sleep.

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