Chapter 19

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First of all, I would like to say a kind thank you for your patience. I'm still grieving, but I'm slowly getting back into it.

Second, since what happened, my creative writing had dwindled, so this chapter might not be great towards the end. I started writing it a couple of days before my hiatus. Despite that, I hope you guys like the chapter.

Small author's note: I may have done a little self projection on Bud. If you have read my HCs of the Gang, then you'll probably see what I mean.

The quiet clicks and whirs rang out like a bell as Bud sat at his desk. They were comforting sounds. Nothing too loud, nothing too shrill or obnoxious. Just the kind of sounds that he needed to hear. There were the distinct sounds of scuttling which also made Bud feel safe. Just small sounds like that never made him uncomfortable. The soundproofing of the room helped too. No shouts or loud noises from outside to distract or scare him. He can work in peace. He kept everything in order here with some help. He did mostly the larger stuff like laundry and keeping his bed and desk in order. He left most of the cleaning to his assistants. Well, the small robotic drones that he had created at least. The best part is that he programmed them to not work too hard. If they need a break, they recognise that need and let themselves recharge. No need to perform maintenance on them unless absolutely necessary.

Once the rather delicious breakfast was finished, Bud excused himself back to his room. For the past hour or so, he had been updating his digital journal. He kept a record of everything that happened since day one. He found it relaxing, documenting important events and situations. It helped him to remember things and study them when the time came. Just like arriving here, Dawn showing up, and these challenges. Not to mention the transformations. Those were odd and just kept bringing in more questions like there was no end to it.

However there was another thing that plague Bud's mind. There was one clue that he hadn't had a closer look at. The photograph. He needs to have another look at it. He didn't have it, but he had a feeling that Dude might have. Could be wrong, but he deduced that Dude was a more sensible option out of everyone else, per his observations of course.

Bud poked his head out, not entirely sure if he wanted to leave his safe space. He preferred to not leave it all together when he can help it. While he had gotten used to the "Skyline" as Dawn had called it, it was still too much for him for the most part. Thankfully, Pip was coming out of her own room at the same time. Perfect timing.

"Pardon me, Pip?" Bud called out as politely as he could. Pip stopped in her stride and spun on her heels with a grin.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Could you please fetch Dude for me. I wish to speak with him as soon as possible." Bud immediately requested. He quickly followed up with another request before Pip could race off. "And ask him to bring that photograph that we have of the previous group."

"Sure thing!" Pip responded as she proceeded to go downstairs. She had overheard Sprout challenge Dude at a game in the arcade. It was the basketball one. Pip couldn't stop grinning. She remembered Dude mentioning that he played basketball. If anything, a game like that would be a piece of cake for him. She passed by the tables and chairs, spotting Mimi painting Candi's nails a light pink colour. Both were giggling and talking about random things that happened to them before they arrived here. Pip promised herself to start interacting with them soon. She wasn't really a girly girl, but she wouldn't mind trying to talk with them at some point. She proceeded to go to the arcade, hearing the boys laughing and the bouncing of balls. She ran over to see them finishing off the game. Sprout did decently enough, but Dude had the higher score. It was as if he hadn't missed a single shot. Rainbow was sitting behind the two, watching them with keen interest. He attention was diverted however, when he heard Pip coming up to them.

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