Chapter 5: One Bad Day

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1 year later….

We see a building known as ACE Chemicals. A large, old industrial building that was involved with various companies in the business of scientific research.

Currently, Batman was crouching at the corner of a building overlooking the place.

He said over his communicator, "Alfred. I'm picking up on a lead I picked up a few days ago. It's said there's a break in planned for ACE Chemicals tonight by the Red Hood gang. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to bring in their leader."

Alfred replied, "understood, Sir. Be careful."

Batman said, "will do."

The call ended as Batman kept his eye on the building. That's when he spotted something. Near the back of the place, several men were breaking into the back.

Including one wearing…. A red cape and helmet resembling a smooth dome…. The Red Hood….


One thug growled, "will you hurry up, already?!"

The man with the red helmet and cape said, "sorry! Sorry! Jeez, I can't see a thing in this helmet!"

Another thug growled, "whatever. Just keep close. The cops don't mess with anyone dressed like the Red Hood. We use this costume on every heist. And you're the one wearing it, since you used to work here and know the layout."

The 'Red Hood' said, "alright, fine…. Let's just get this over with…."

The thugs made their way inside, unaware of a shadowy figure tailing them from a distance.

The thugs climbed up to a catwalk in-between various large vats of chemicals. Some bubbling green. Some simmering and purple.

The 'Red Hood' asked as he carefully directed everyone the right way, "so…. We get to the vault, get out, divy up the loot?"

The lead thug said, "yeah, that's basically the long and short of it, 'Jack.'"

'Jack' said, "okay, okay. Good to know…."

As the thugs walked along the catwalk, they were unaware of a shadow on the wall of the building…. In the shape of a bat….

The thugs continued along the catwalk, making their way towards an office.

One of them pulled out a screwdriver and some bobby pins and said, "alright, let's get to work. 'Jack', you and Paul keep an eye out."

'Jack' and Paul nodded as they watched the backs of the other crooks. The one crook began using the pins and screwdriver to unlock the office door.

'Jack' whispered, "this place gives me the creeps."

Paul said, "lighten up. Y'know, I hardly ever see you smile when you're not on stage."

'Jack' gave a weak chuckle and said, "I just don't see much to laugh at aside from a few jokes…."

Paul shrugged before they heard the crook unlocking the door say, "got it!"

He opened the door as the crooks all made their way inside. It was a relatively nice looking office with a desk, two bookshelves, green carpet, and a small vault on the wall.

'Jack' said, "okay, the alarms for the vault are on a delay, so we'll only have a few minutes before the silent alarm is triggered."

One crook said, "alright. Now, let's pop this thing and get outta here."

Paul said, "why, Kevin? You afraid the cops'll show up?"

Kevin said, "no…. I'm more worried about…. The bat."

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