Chapter 13: The Joker

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Along the way to the bank, Batman had managed to deal with most of the stolen evidence crates Barbara had told him about. Each time he had disabled one, She commented on the great job he was doing.

It was kind of nice, having someone like her believing in him.

She said things such as:

"I've been flipping through the precinct's file on you and…. Wow. Let's just say you don't have a lot of fans here. Even if you're dressed like Simon Trent's character. But you probably knew that already. Anyway, I've trashed some of the more ridiculous stuff. I mean, they're saying you kill people. And I know that's not your style. Even the crooks say you don't kill. Not sure what that says about the cops…."

"Thanks so much for doing this. Tonight's crazy enough already. If these guns got out there…. I don't even wanna think about it."

"Alright. Gotta say…. Working together is kinda fun. I mean, we're actually getting stuff done! And my dad thinks I'm just sitting in his office texting and watching TV. If only he knew!"

Batman used the rooftop access to get inside of the bank.

But upon doing so, he was met with a multitude of bodies posed around the room, some with TV's put over their heads.

Batman whispered, "bodies everywhere…. My God."

Batman got down to the ground and made his way towards the vault, taking notice of the bodies.

Batman muttered, "the Joker may still be here, in the vault. I should use caution. They’re all dead…. But there’s something more sinister going on here."

Batman came upon an elevator shaft that led to right above the parking lot of the bank.

He used his exploding gel to break through the floor of the shaft, landing upon and knocking out two thugs!

Batman sees Black Mask and his thugs loading money into a van as two thugs were holding a secretary hostage.

But strangely enough, she was…. Smiling?

Black Mask said, "think you can just waltz into my bank, huh?"

Batman growled, "Roman. I’m here for the Joker."

Black Mask said, "the Joker? Heheha…. Ahem, Never heard of him. How ’bout you doll? Know the Joker?"

He pointed a gun at her head.

The secretary asked, starting to laugh a little, "the who?"

Suddenly, a man in a white suit with a black bag over his head was dragged into the room!

Black Mask suddenly pulled off the bag, revealing the man as…. Roman Sionis?!

Roman's mouth was duct taped shut!

'Black Mask' said, "and you, sir? Does the name Joker ring a bell?

'Black Mask' tore the gag off Roman.

Roman yelled, "you sunova bitch! You think you can steal from me and get away with it? You’re a dead man! Dead!"

'Black Mask' began beating Sionis with a gun, yelling, "can’t…. You just…. Play…. Along!?!"

Roman was knocked to the ground and dragged into the van as the secretary was smiling like mad, yelling hysterically, "you're insane, hahaha!"

Batman took a step back with actual fear in his eyes as 'Black Mask' slowly removed his mask, revealing his true identity.

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