Chapter 7: Assassins

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The Batwing arrives back at the cave, safely landing on the docking bay. Batman gets out and walks towards the main computer.

Alfred approaches and says, "are you back for the night, sir? Shall I warm up your Christmas dinner?"

Batman said, "no. It's gonna be a long night. I just…. Ran into a human shaped crocodile who told me Black Mask has hired assassins to kill me."

Batman activates his computer, inserting the memory card he got from before. As the computer boots up and analyzes the card, Alfred and Batman talk.

Alfred asked, "'Assassins', sir? As in; more than one?"

Batman said, "that's right."

Alfred said, "and you heard this from the mouth of a crocodile man?"

A series of profiling reports and incident images of Killer Croc display on the screen.

A series of profiling reports and incident images of Killer Croc display on the screen

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Batman said, "his name is Waylon Jones, A.K.A: Killer Croc, and he's already behind bars."

Alfred said, "ooh, I pity his cellmate."

Batman said, "let's see what else is on the drone's hard drive."

It shows a recording of Black Mask having a meeting with his men.

Black Mask said, "each of them gets one of these envelopes", he holds up a bundle of envelopes, "I need them delivered. Tonight!"

He hands the bundle to one of his henchmen.

Batman said, "they're all hired killers, the best in the business. Black Mask isn't messin' around."
A flash of all eight assassins are displayed on the screen.

"A flash of all eight assassins are displayed on the screen

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First, a profile of Deathstroke comes up.
He's an older man in orange and black combat armor, with the mask having one side all black with no holes, and the other orange with a narrow eye hole.
"Slade Wilson, A.K.A: Deathstroke, A.K.A: The Terminator", a scene of Deathstroke beating a group of cops before one of Black Mask's henchmen comes by and delivers an envelope to Deathstroke, one of which he reads, "former military, subject of a failed medical experiment."

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