Chapter 9: Lacey Towers

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Batman growled, "tell me where I can find Black Mask!"
Slade sheathed his sword and pulled out an extendable bo-staff as he said, "your tactics are impressive…. But inferior…. This fight will be over quickly…."
They tried to hit Batman with his staff, but Batman was able to grab onto it and push Slade back and deliver a punch to his asked face, making him stagger back before he got his bearings and sent a kick towards Batman! Batman quickly threw himself backward in order to avoid the kick!
Slade once again kept trying to hit Batman with his staff, but Batman kept dodging or deflecting each attack!
Batman was soon able to grab onto the staff and headbutted Slade! Slade staggered back before he threw down a smoke pellet! Batman squinted through the smoke, trying to spot Slade!
He then heard a yell!
Batman quickly turned and began blocking a flurry of intense strikes from Slade and his staff! Slade managed to get a hit on Batman's jaw, making a small drop of blood fall from his mouth as Slade growled, "ah…. So you do bleed? That means I can kill you!"
Batman managed to grab the staff as it was thrown faster than the naked eye could catch! Batman punched Slade, disorienting him again and allowing him to give his own flurry of strikes to Slade's head over and over again until he managed to knock the mask right off of him!
Slade turned back to Batman with a fierce glare on his face.
He had white hair and a small goatee, as well as an eye patch covering his right eye.
Slade grew more aggressive in his attacks against Batman, managing to hit him several times as they traded blows!
But Batman soon gained the upper hand after Slade tried to once again surprise him with the smoke bomb! But this time, Batman was able to wrench Slades' staff away and broke it over his knee!
Slade growled as he pulled out one of his swords and began slashing at Batman!
The caped crusader had to carefully dodge and block every attack, using the blades on his gauntlets to better handle the sword!
Slade then once again used the claw device he used on Batman earlier! He attached the claw to Batman, and then a tank of propane! The tank flew right towards Batman! But Batman was able to grab the tank just before it hit him! He quickly tossed it to Slade! Another one of his tricks had backfired on himself as Batman lunged at him from the darkness!
He punched Slade over and over again, leaving a few bruises on the older man's face! Slade retaliated by swiping his blade at Batman! But Batman used his quick reflexes to stop the blade in-between his hands, wither appendage on the blunt ends of the blade before elbowing Slade in the face and wrenching the sword away from his grasp before kicking him into the wall.
Batman yelled, "it's over Slade!"
Slade growled, "what…. Are…. You…?"
Batman said three words to Slade.
"I am Batman."
Batman threw the sword at Slade, stabbing the wall and just barely missing his head! Slade was so shaken that he didn't foresee the kick to the face Batman gave him that left him sprawled out on the floor, unconscious.
Batman glared down at Slade before looking up to see the Penguin standing high up with Tracey and Candy.
Penguin yelled from above, "nice seeing ya, Batman! Feel free to let yourself out!"
Penguin walked back into his office, giving Candy a light spank on the ass as he did so.
Batman muttered, "I can't let Penguin get away. There's more I need to ask him."
Batman picked up the claw device Slade had used against him.
Faded letters on the side read, "Remote Claw."
Batman muttered, "that could work….", he then turned to Slade, "I can't make the same mistake I did with Electrocutioner."
Batman took a minute to firmly tie Slade up and leave him for the cops to apprehend.
Batman then used the remote claw to get up to the balcony high above. He tried to get back into Penguin's office, but the doors were locked up tight.
He turned to see a film projected image of the Penguin on the wall, with Candy and Tracey sitting sexily beside him.
He mocked, "you'll have more luck gettin' into a nuns skivvies than gettin' into this room. Go on then. Beat it a bit harder. Really make me  feel it. Well, as you can see, I've got me 'ands full. 'Ave a Merry Christmas…. And piss off! Hahahaha!"
Batman sighed. He would have to deal with Penguin another day. He began making his way out of the ship through the door of the boiler deck that was locked earlier as he called Alfred and said, "Alfred, tell me all you can about a murder at Lacey Towers."
Alfred replied, "hmm, looks like the police are on the scene now, sir. Oh, and this is interesting…. They're saying that Black Mask is the victim."
Batman stopped with a look of confusion.
He said, "Black Mask…. Dead? That can't be right. I saw him earlier tonight…. I'm on my way there now…."
It was easier to get out of the ship with the remote claw.
Batman called Alfred and told him to call the GCPD about the Final Offer, and how they would find Penguin's illegal items along with a tied up Slade Wilson.
But before Batman could leave the ship, he saw something strange on the television.
A masked man in a red coat with a large white A painted onto it and a white mask.

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