Chapter 18: FireFly

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As Batman is on his way to Pioneer Bridge, he said, "a lot of lives could be at risk at the bridge. If I can hack Firefly’s communication channel, I can learn more."
He uses his cryptographic sequencer to hack into the channel that Firefly and his men are using.
Firefly said, "and if the cops try anything stupid, kill a few hostages."

One thug said, "sure thing. And uh…. How long before we set the timers on the bombs?"

Firefly said, "not until the Bat shows. We’ll wait all night if we have to. There’s a million riding on this."

Batman said, "Alfred, Firefly has hostages on the Pioneers Bridge. I need to deal with him before coming back."

Alfred said, "can’t you just let the police handle Mister Lynns? Especially in light of what we’ve just learned."

Batman said, "I can’t abandon those hostages. They’re in jeopardy because of me. Because of the bounty Joker placed on my head. You’ll be safe in the Batcave. I don't want anyone else in danger tonight…."
Batman flies to the bridge.

Gordon said over the radio, "this is a hostage situation people. Get into position and prepare to breach on my order. Do not provoke or engage the suspect. He’s got hostages in the bridge's sublevel. Just get yourselves into position."

Batman said, "I need to draw Firefly away from the bridge so I can approach safely."
Batman makes the Batwing fly past the bridge as he flies to the lower level of the bridge.

Firefly is setting fire to the cars on the bridge!

Firefly said, "listen up…. The Bat is here. If just one of those stinking pigs sets foot on this bridge…. Set the timers. We’ll blow them all to Hell! Wooohooo."
Firefly chases after the Batwing, or at least tries to.

Batman said, "Gordon would never order a breach if he knew about Firefly’s bombs. I’ve got to stop him before he sends his men into a trap."
Batman made his way into a small room near the foot of the bridge as he heard Gordon talking to Bullock over the radio.

Bullock said, "Branden’s gunnin’ for you. You can’t trust ‘em!"

Gordon said, "he’s a cop. Harvey. He’ll do his job."
Batman hid around a corner and said, "don’t send in your men. Firefly has the bridge rigged with explosives."
Gordon points his gun, trying to spot Batman as he says, "show yourself!"

Branden called, "Branden to Gordon. We’re in place, awaiting your orders."

Gordon said, "you have a go."

Batman said, "no, call them back. If Firefly blows the bridge, there’s no telling how many will die."

Gordon said, "you’re the reason those people are in danger. He’s doing this for the bounty on your head. Give yourself up."

Batman said, "I’m going to bring in Firefly myself. Don’t send anyone else in until I tell you it’s safe."

Gordon said, "you’ll stay the Hell out of this! You hear me?"

Branden yells over the radio, "no! Take him down!"

Gordon said, "Branden! Branden, report!"
He then hears Firefly yelling over the radio, "Captain Gordon I told you…. The ONLY person I want setting foot on this bridge is the Batman. Test me again…. And things will not go well for…. Officer Branden, is it?"

Gordon said, "dammit. Anyone have eyes on Branden?"

A cop said, "Bravo-Z. Command. That’s a negative."

Gordon said, "all units, maintain your positions. No one else goes in without my order."
Gordon raced off as Batman said, "I need to make one of these thugs tell me how many bombs Firefly has and where they are."
Batman soon made his way to a large room where several men were guarding one of the bombs.
Batman quickly uses his stealth techniques to take all but one down, who quickly throws down his gun and yells, "okay! Okay! I surrender!"
Batman grabbed him and pinned him to the wall and said, "how many bombs are on this bridge!?"

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