Chapter 16: Mad Love

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Batman soon made his way into a large room with a big group of merc's working for Bane in it. He had to once again quickly take them all out, especially as they were armed with guns.

The worst part of it all was hearing the Joker's awful commentary the whole time.
Once they were all taken down, Batman continued on. He took an elevator that led to the top floor, more specifically, to the penthouse. He made sure to hide atop the elevator, in order to have the element of surprise.
But as the elevator reached the top floor, a large hand suddenly smashed through the top of it!
Batman was grabbed and pulled through, by none other than Bane!
Bane threw Batman through a pair of wooden doors, disorienting the caped crusader.
Batman slowly looked up to see the Joker bouncing a ball around as cartoons played on the TV's behind him.
Joker said, "ah, nice of you to drop in, and just in time!"
Batman tried to get up, but Bane put his large foot on his back.
Bane said, "he’s mine, payaso."

Joker said, "ah ah. Remember, you gave your word."
He placed his hand near a TNT detonator that read, "hotel."

Bane growled before he punched Batman and said, "you have…. One minute"
Bane storms out of the room.
Joker said, "do they even have manners where he comes from?"
Batman slowly gets to his hands and knees as Joker begins dancing around his table and over to another TNT detonator.
Joker said, "you see, it’s a tradition in my house; to open one present each on Christmas Eve. Hmm…. How about….", he placed his hand on the detonator, "this one?"

He pushes the detonator lever and blows up the entire building nearby.
He began dancing around cackling as the TV's all switched to static as Batman grew an enraged look under his mask!

Joker sang, "and a partridge in a pear tree!"

Batman swiftly grabs Joker and lifts him up into the air.

Batman yelled in rage, "how many lives did you just take?"

Joker said, "none…. I think. That was just a little stocking-stutter, a construction site blocking my view…."
Batman tossed Joker to the ground, near another detonator.
Joker picks it up and says, "but this one isn’t."

Batman snatches the detonator from the hands of the Joker and hits him with it in his face.
Batman swears he's seeing red as he begins punching Joker in the face repeatedly!
But Bane comes back before he can land yet another punch and hits him across the room!

Bane stomps over as Batman is down and growls, "I’ve long waited for this moment. With your death, I will find peace."
Bane grabs Batman and lifts him over his head, as if he was going to throw Batman over his knee in order to break his back!
But Batman is able to elbow Bane in the face and throw him away!
Batman rises back to his feet upon landing on the ground as Bane throws off his coat, showing a strange device on his back that pumps a green chemical of some kind into his body.
Bane's eyes glow green as Joker jumps atop a table and yells, "and now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…. I present to you; the death of the Batman!"
Bane ran at Batman! The caped crusader jumped away as fast as he could as Bane's fists smashed into the wooden floor!

Bane said, "your technique is predictable."
Batman tries to land a hit on Bane, but the large assassin seems unaffected by the punches! He punches Batman away, making the hero slide along the ground.
Bane runs at Batman again, but the vigilante isn't prepared this time, as he and Bane smash through the windows and onto the balcony!
Alfred calls, "Sir, I won’t stand by and watch you kill yourself. I’m calling Captain Gordon!"

Batman whispered, "NO! Not now!"
Batman got into a fighting stance.
Bane said, "very good. I see there is still some fight left in you."

Joker said, "yes. Now beat it out of him!"

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