Chapter 19: Return to Blackgate

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As the Batwing flew through the air, Batman tried calling Alfred.

Batman said, "Alfred, I'm headed back to the cave…. Alfred?"

"I am in your house…. Bruce…."

Bruce went wide-eyed as he said, "Bane?!"
Bane said over the comms, "come home. Say your goodbyes. Once you’ve had time to turn grief to anger, then you’ll be ready to face me. I have left enough life in him for some final words…. If you hurry."

Batman screamed, "Alfred!"
Batman put the Batwing into high gear!
The Batwing landed in the batcave, which looked partially destroyed!
As Batman raced out of the jet, he yelled, "Alfred!? ALFRED?!"
Batman yelled, "my Detective Vision is down. Hang on, Alfred…. The computer isn’t working. I need to restore Detective Vision before I can find Alfred."
Batman ran to the computer and managed to get it up and running.
Batman quickly activated his detective vision as he yelled, "Alfred!? Alfred!?"
Batman looked over the trailing as he heard coughing.
He looked down to see Alfred's skeleton under a large bit of debris!
Batman whispered, "no…."
He quickly flew down and yelled, "Alfred?! Can you hear me? I’m going to get you out of there."
Batman moved the debris as fast as he could!
Batman yelled, "Alfred? ALFRED?!"
Batman finally moved it all away and moved Alfred so he was laying down in front of him. But he looked on the verge of death!
Batman said, "Alfred…. You can’t…."
Alfred whispered, "don’t add me…. To the weight…. You carry…."
Alfred lets out a slow breath as his hand falls simply at his side.

Batman stares at Alfred's limp body with tears leaking down his mask

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Batman stares at Alfred's limp body with tears leaking down his mask.
All Batman can see for a moment is his parents once again dead in front of him.
Batman's tears continued to streak down his mask as he cried, "no…. NOOOOO!"
He smashes his fists on the ground!

Sparks fly from the shock gloves for a moment.

Suddenly, memories flood Batman's mind.

First is when the two doctors carried out an indirect heart massage with an electric shock.

"250. Charging!"



Then he remembers what Electrocutioner said to him.
"I'mma kill you…. Then, I'm gonna jump start your heart…. And kill you again!"
Batman starts desperately doing chest compressions using the gloves as defibrillators.
The radio on the computer above them began talking about another prison riot at Blackgate, caused by…. The Joker.
But Batman didn't care at that moment. All he cared about was even the slimmest chance to save Alfred!

Batman cried and said, "come on, dammit!"

Batman smashes his fists into Alfred's chest, and as if an incredible Christmas miracle had occurred; it worked!
Alfred's eyes sprung open as he coughed a few times as Alfred helped him sit up as Batman sighed in relief.

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