Mark Calaway- A Late Night Ride

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I got woken up by a small shake of my body, and someone whispering my name

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I got woken up by a small shake of my body, and someone whispering my name. I grumbled and slowly opened my eyes meeting a green pair of piercing ones. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before looking up at him.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead before picking me up and wrapping his arms around me. He carried me downstairs and put my shoes and jacket on before taking me outside.

"What are we doing?" I mumbled tiredly as he put me on the front of his bike.

"Going on a night drive and getting some food. I was hungry and I didn't feel like going alone." He shrugged.

"Aren't you adamant about me being on the back of the bike baby?" I said with a smirk.

"Yes, but your tired and you won't hold on tight enough. If you'd like to fly off be my guest." He said smirking back making me pout. He kissed my pout with a chuckle and started his bike before mumbling, "Little Brat."

I gasped and looked back at him, making him laugh loudly before speeding out of the driveway. Soon enough we ended up at a cozy little diner that had soft country music playing. I skipped to the table happily while holding Mark's hand. I sat down across from Mark and swung my legs excitedly.

"You're so cute." Mark mumbled under his breath. I smiled widely hearing him anyways. He smiled as well knowing I heard him. "What are you smiling about?" He said with mock annoyance in his voice.

"You called me cute." I said batting my eyelashes jokingly.

"I don't know what your talking about Y/N." He said rolling his eyes. I rolled my eyes as well in mock annoyance. Soon enough the waiter came and we ordered our food and ate.

I pulled out my wallet and got ready to pay before Mark snatched it from me and put money from his wallet down. We then left and got back on his bike. "See your a brat you made me pay." He said, helping me on the front of the bike.

I went to open my mouth to make a smart comment but Mark interrupted me with a, "Shut up," And kissing my forehead.

"Rude." I mumbled leaning back into him. We took the long way home deciding to ride by the ocean that went under the big bridge. In no time we were at home and tired. I took my shoes off and my jacket before Mark basically tackled me onto the bed.

"Mark William Calaway, I am not a football player don't tackle me!" I said laughing. He said nothing only picking me up and throwing me back down on the bed again. He covered me holding me down and counting to three. He then threw his hands in the air like he normally did in the ring when he wins.

"You're so annoying, I hope you know that." I said rolling my eyes and pulling the cover over my head. He laughed pulling the covers up before hoping into bed with me and kissing me softly.

"If I don't annoy you I'm not being a good boyfriend." He said pulling me close. I nodded knowing he was right. I cuddled into him and drifted to sleep.
Thanks for reading❤ I hope you guys liked it.

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