Johnny Depp- Call Off Work

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Johnny groaned out as I moved in bed

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Johnny groaned out as I moved in bed. I had completely forgotten he was laying on me. I ran a hand through his hair and kissed his head. I once again shuffled debating on getting up only to hear Johnny's disapproval again. This made me give a soft chuckle.

" Darling, if we don't get up we'll be late for work." I said, while gently rubbing his back.

"Let's call in sick." He mumbled cuddling into me.

"We aren't sick J. I'm not gonna call in sick because you want to cuddle." I told him.

"Y/N." He dragged out tiredly.

"Johnny." I dragged out the same way.

"I want attention and cuddles, and I want them now." He whines in a spoiled tone.

"Your also gonna want another job if you don't get up." I said smartly. He only frowned pouting up at me.

"Pleeease Y/N? I wanna hangout today. We've both been so busy. I need your company today." He asks, with wide innocent eyes. That's all it takes for me to give in to him.

"Fine, but we aren't doing this again." I responded seriously. I called both our bosses telling them that we couldn't come in today. They both understood and gave us the day off.

"You can convince me to do anything, can't you?" I sighed out, kissing his forehead.

"I have you wrapped around my pinky Y/N." He said wiggling his pinky with a sleepy grin.

"That you do my love." I responded.

"Can we order breakfast?" J said after a bit of silence.

"We need to work on your obsession with door dash... What are you trying to get anyways?" I asked opening up the app.

"McDonald's!" He said. I sighed knowing exactly where this was going.

"Let me guess, a happy meal so you get the toy and add it to your collection." I stated adding the kids meal.

"Yes, keeping up with my collection is very important Y/N." He said as he closely watched me order. In no time I had ordered and the food was ready. Johnny excitedly ran down to grab the food and ran back up excited to see what toy he's gotten.

"Y/N! I got the one I was looking for!" He said, showing me the toy he had gotten.

I chuckled before saying, "That's great baby you better add it to your collection then."

I kissed his cheek once he came back from putting it away. We ate and talked for the rest of the day enjoying each other's company.
Thanks for reading 💙 I hope you enjoyed!

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