Jason Isaacs- Forest Run

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"You ready darling?" I heard Jason's voice ring out from downstairs

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"You ready darling?" I heard Jason's voice ring out from downstairs. "Yes!" I yelled in response grabbing my wallet. I hopped down stairs like a child with a huge smile. Jason smiled back at me amused, watching my childish antics He pulled me close and kissed me softly.

"You're so cute." He mumbled against my lips. I smiled and giggled at the action the shyness evident in my response only made him smile at me more. He opened the door for me and I went skipping out of it.

We stood at the beginning of the forest trail, and I groaned knowing it would take us about an hour to run it. He gave me a mock pouty face before pulling me along to run the trail.

"Why can't I just run on the treadmill Jas I don't wanna be in the woods and be sweaty ?" I said keeping up with his quick strides.

"You'll miss the scenery and the fresh air the freeing feeling of pavement under your feet." He responded.

"Our house does have fresh air, it can't get any fresher, we live in the forest we have a mass amount of trees babe. I have enough scenery on the treadmill, and unlike you I don't like pavement under my feet especially wet pavement. Any other reasons?" I responded sassily.

"I thought it my stop you from running on the treadmill for 10 minutes and calling it a workout." He responded just as sassily in response. I sighed before picking up speed and racing down the trail to get it over with. I practically ran up and down the trail within the hour with no issues.

I left him in the dust for most of the run he was just use to running but I hiked pretty often so the upwards hill practically kicked his butt.

Once we had finally made it back to our house. He smiled at me widely before we entered the house together.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked.

"I said what I said in order for you to get it over with. I knew you wouldn't pick up speed if I didn't annoy you." He said heading to the kitchen to get some water for us while gasping for air. I rolled my eyes at him gulping down the water. "It worked though." He stated simply making me shrug. "And you got your butt kicked by an upwards hill were practically 1-1 J." I said walking off from him.

I wouldn't let him think he won he's to cocky for that. I  admit one time and he'll bring it up forever more. It's partially my fault isn't it, I decided to marry him.
Thank you for reading 🧡 Hope you enjoyed!

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