Erik Destler- Taking Care Of Erik

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(Modern Day)

"Y/N!" Erik yelled to me stumbling into his lair

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"Y/N!" Erik yelled to me stumbling into his lair.

"Yes, Love!" I responded, but I got nothing back but pure silence.

I walked quickly out of the bedroom to see him leaning sleepily on the wall and slowly sliding down it.

"Erik." I said softly with a chuckle whilst going to help him up. I helped him walk to his bedroom and placed him down in bed. I got up to leave when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I yelped not expecting the action from him.

"Stay with Erik." He mumbled tiredly. Then I heard his stomach growl loudly almost echoing across the entire lair. This made me smile a little knowing he would never ask me to cook anything, but he didn't know much about cooking himself.

"Darling, why didn't you tell me you were hungry?" I said getting up to head to the kitchen.

"Sorry." He mumbled embarrassed.

He really wanders the Opera House until he's so sleepy he can't walk anymore and never eats anything. I shook my head at the thought, he really is one of a kind.

I pulled out some pans and started to cook something quick so he could head to sleep after. I decided on a grilled cheese and some chips. I finished quickly and put everything away before going back to Erik and handing him the plate.

"Here, eat love." I said setting the plate in front of him. I watched as he attempted to eat while falling asleep every few seconds.

"No more." Erik insisted pushing the plate away.

"At least eat half the sandwich sweetheart please." I said pushing it back with a pleading look. He groaned but I got him to eat at least half of it and a few chips.

"Thank You Darling." I said kissing his forehead. I took the plate to the kitchen and put it in the fridge before going back to Erik. I hoped into bed with him and pulled him close before slipping his mask off. He cuddled into me and soon enough we both drifted to sleep.
First oneshot done. Thanks for reading ❤ I hope you enjoyed.

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