Jason Isaacs- Productive Day

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I yawned as the raging storm outside got louder

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I yawned as the raging storm outside got louder. I love the sound of rain tapping the window with soft thunder in the background. It always made me lazy but of course Jason made sure I had a productive day. I groaned as Jason laid his body weight on me only making him chuckle at my annoyance.

"Come on baby it's 10:30." His voice whispered softly in my ear, before kissing my cheek and jaw. I gave a disapproving tone pulling the covers over my head. He chuckled once again and pulled me from under the covers before pulling me in his lap as he sat down.

"Come on baby, come on." He cooed between kisses as he rocked us side to side. I slowly started to wake up and finally kissed his cheek before nuzzling into him.

"I have breakfast cooked down stairs, waffles, eggs, and sausage." He said burying his face in my hair. I nodded, finally gathering enough energy to pick myself up. I shuffled downstairs and to the dinner table happily. I smiled at the big breakfast in front of me before basically shoving it in my mouth. Jason only looked at me amused from across the table.

"Slow down my love you'll choke." J said sternly.

"I'm not a baby J I know how to eat." I said in a bratty tone. He looked at me sternly raising an eyebrow as if asking if I really wanted to do that.

"If you act like a child, you will get treated as such. If you act like an adult, I'll treat like one." He said sharply in response, his piercing blue eyes stared unwaveringly into my own. I swallowed nodding my head and keeping quiet. To this he gave a small smirk and we continued to eat and plan out our day.
I hope you enjoyed🧡 Thanks for reading.

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