Jason Isaacs- Forget Him

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"I'm breaking up with you

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"I'm breaking up with you." The text said simply. Lots of emotions ran through me in that moment... Shock, confusion, hurt, and rage. We'd been together for 6 years and he was leaving me that easily.

"Ok." I texted back simply. I wasn't going to chase after him, I refused too. I knew I wasn't his top priority anymore, so what's the point. He called me and I knew he was doing that to see how hurt I was, so I calmly answered the phone.

"Hello?" I said "happily".

"Are you kidding me; You're not upset?" He asks annoyed.

"No... why would I be?" I said in mock obliviousness.

"I literally just broke up with you Y/N? You're not crying over this?" He asks.

"Okay...You broke up with me James... What you thought the world would stop turning or something. Oh my gosh, James broke up with me, how will I ever go on...I don't really know what it is you want from me. What you want me to cry because you're leaving me for someone else, is that it?" I responded with the most arrogant giggle I could give.

"Yeah, I thought you'd be at least a little sad about us." He says annoyed.

"Your annoyed because I'm not crying? Are you sad James?" I ask.

"Yes Y/N you're suppose to love me. I'm not sad... I have a new girlfriend, you're the one who single and alone." He responded. I bust out in genuine laughter, not expecting that. I was both completely shocked and horrified that I ever dated him.

"I put you through law school James. I figured you were dating me just for that when you started to become distant. I saved up after that honey. I don't need to cry, when I have a Lamborghini, living in a mansion, in the Bahamas. You're hilarious James you know that. Have a nice life with your broke girlfriend sweetie." I told him acting unbothered before hanging up.

Truth was, he did mean a lot to me; and I had put him through law school because I thought we'd spend our lives together. Tears filled my eyes, and I punched the steering wheel, screaming as loud as I could. In the process of course, I honked the horn which alerted my best friend Jason who came outside quickly to see what happened.

He opened the car door and I fell into his arms. He shushed me as he grabbed the keys out the car and carried me and my bags inside. I was often surprised of how strong Jason is, and honestly it brought me comfort knowing he uses that strength to protect me.

He sat me on the couch and brought my bags upstairs, putting them in what I would only assume was the closet.

"Tell me what happened Baby." He says sitting next to me on the couch. I sit between his legs and nuzzle my head in his chest. This makes him tsk, wiping my tears and kissing my nose. "Whatever it is, it doesn't deserve your tears darling, I know that." He says wrapping his arms around me possessively.

"James broke up with me, he's with a new girl." I wailed out, quite like a toddler honestly. He freezes momentarily and says nothing.

"Jason, do you think I deserved it?" I asked, referring to him freezing up. Maybe I had been rude to James, but Jason never told me anything. I couldn't imagine how I may have hurt James at all. In fact, I felt like I let him walk all over me more often than not.

"What! Absolutely not you didn't deserve that!" He says quickly, and quite angrily. It shocked me how upset he sounded. He often expressed his sheer dislike for James. I am convinced he hates James more than any of my ex's.

"Y/N look at me, I have something to tell you." He states seriously.

"What?" I say softly leaning back to look into his blue orbs.

"I'm in love with you. I have been in love with you ever since I first met you." He says. I could tell he was very serious.

"But I thought you didn't like women?" I say questionably. This makes him burst into laughter.

"Who on earth told you that Y/N?" He asks.

"Well, no one...but I never saw you really talk to women, and I just thought that maybe..." I struggled to get out in a panic trying not to offend him. This made him become even more hysterical now, leaning his head back as he cried out loudly.

"Y/N? Do I look gay too you?" He asks, wiping the tears that made their way out his eyes.

"I mean...you can be pretty flamboyant when you want to be." I say shrugging with a smile. We both smile absentmindedly as memories of us flood through our brains.

"Y/N... I love you... I always have. I never told you because you were with James. I didn't want to ruin your relationship with him. When you told me about you two possibly getting married, I was absolutely devastated. I cried for hours afterwards until my head hurt. As long as you were happy, I was willing to endure that pain... You mean that much to me. I know you're hurting my love, and if you're willing to allow me into your heart; I will wait for however long you need. I thought for a moment, realizing that he means more to me than I originally thought. I had always thought of Jason as a very close friend to me. However, the more I analyzed my feelings, I realized that Jason was more than just a friend to me. I tried to push down those feelings in order to make sure I had room for James. This whole time I should've been throwing James out and making room for Jason.

"I love you too Jason." I finally admit out loud to him. I shock myself with how quickly it shoots out. There is silence for a moment before we both burst into laughter.

"Well...Does this me that we um...-" Jason says pointing at himself and I. I nod slowly baffled as to how we got here.

"Jas... Promise me that if the relationship goes bad, we'll stay friends. I need you here with me, okay?" I say hopefully. He nods eagerly and leans his head to mine. "Then double yes is the answer to your question." I say with a small smile before kissing his nose.

"Yes!" He yells before pulling himself from under me and running around the house with his hands in the air. He runs out and screams on the balcony. "Y/N L/N chooses me to be her boyfriend." He yells out the to whoever might hear. I chuckle standing up to pull him back inside.

"People are gonna think you're crazy J" I say giggling loudly.

"I am Crazy...I'm crazy about you. You make me crazy." He says putting his forehead against mine. I chuckle at myself, disappointed that I hadn't noticed Jason before. I hadn't thought of him as a potential partner, we'd known each other for a long time, and I guess he was never an option because I only saw my best friend.

"Y/N? Don't get mad at me." J says out of no where quite seriously. I chuckle at his quick change to seriousness and nod my head. He walks over to the fridge around the corner and I hear plastic moving before he comes into sight again.

"I bought you Cookie Cake. I know you said you were on a diet, but I thought we could eat it and some other snacks whilst binge watching some shows." He says innocently. I excitedly agree and run to the kitchen to grab more snacks before plopping next to him on the couch. We cuddled up and watched shows until we both fell asleep.
Thanks for reading 💙 I hope you enjoyed!

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