Mark Calaway- I Know What I Saw

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My eyes focused on the roads of dust in front of me

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My eyes focused on the roads of dust in front of me. The place was deserted, not a single person was in sight. I sighed, honestly hoping that I wouldn't run into anyone. It wouldn't make sense for anyone to actually be out here. It was hot as anything and it's broad daylight. I don't think anyone would be walking in 200 miles of desert anyways.

Somehow I didn't see the giant looming house almost in the middle of the street. I gasped slammed on my brakes swerving to the side of the road. I was so sure that house was never there before, there was no evidence as to how the house suddenly appeared though, so maybe it has been there all along. I sat for a moment catching my breath.

I debated on just driving around the house but thought better of it when I realized, I had no idea what's behind the house. I looked down at my GPS to see if I could find another route but suddenly my signal went out. The phone kept rerouting making me nervous. I reached to pick up my phone but before I could do anything it shut down. I was sure it didn't die, it was charging the whole time. However, my phone refused to turn on. I quickly put my car in reverse and turned to drive away. It was then that I realized the sky that was lit by the sun just moments ago was now dark, not even the moon appeared in the sky.

My eyes met the road again only to be met by a pair of shining purple and black ones. There was a large man stood in the street wearing a black wide brimmed hat and had long black hair that covered most of his face. However, I could clearly see his black and purple eyes shining through his long black hair. At least.... I assumed it was his eyes, they were where his eyes were meant to be. He purposely held his head low so his face was as hidden as possible.

I quickly locked all my doors trying to figure out who this man was and why it had gotten dark at his sudden appearance. Maybe he hadn't meant to be scary....

I called out to him in order to make him understand I didn't want to cause trouble. As if he could hear me through my raised up windows.

"Sorry Sir, I'm going to a friend's place, your house is kinda in the road. The GPS doesn't show your house, so I was trying to find a way around it, but my phone randomly lost signal." I told him

"I built my house in the road, and electric devices usually don't get service nor turn on around here." He responded. However, maybe I was just seeing things because it was dark, but I didn't see his mouth move as he spoke. His voice seemed almost too deep for a normal human. If he gets no service out here I wonder what he does, because there's nothing to do for miles. It made me wonder, if he's hungry does he drive the hundreds of miles to go get food at the grocery store. I couldn't imagine this man driving, much less going to the grocery store.

I sat there silently all that going through my brain. I wasn't sure how long I had sat silently but the man didn't interrupt my thoughts. I could almost promise I somehow saw an amused smile spread across his face. I then realized the slight light came from his looming house behind us. Did someone else live with him? That light definitely wasn't on before.

"Where are you trying to go?" He asks me after my internal ramble. I hesitated to tell him making a malicious grin spread across his features.

"Hope Road." I said quickly, giving a random road I knew was around.

"Why Hope road? Doesn't your friend live on Fillmore?" He said with a knowing smile. My eyes widened at that and I slammed on the gas. He only stood there as I drove through his body. He was unfazed by the hit. Baring his teeth as he watched me drive away.

Once my phone got signal I immediately called my friend Elise, and told her what happened. She laughed before saying, "Y/N you're tired hurry up and get over here."

"You're telling me in your seven years of being here, you've never seen a house in the middle of the road, or a man like the one I described?" I asked seriously.

"No Y/N.... Seriously you need to get over here so you can get some rest. What your explaining isn't possible." She made an attempt to explain kindly.

"I'm so serious Elise I know what I saw, the man wasn't normal." I urged again. She sighed telling me to quickly get over to her house so that I can get some rest. I sighed realizing she didn't believe me and quickly got to her house. I was gonna find out about that man one way or another.
Thanks so much for reading 💜 Hope you enjoyed!

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