Mads Mikkelsen- The Man At The Bridge

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(The reader is meant to be childlike and gullible and still lives with her parents.)

I giggled running out into the forest near the house

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I giggled running out into the forest near the house. I made my way to the bridge that wasn't too far from the house. In fact the house was still very much in view. I leaned between the two big planks and touched the cold water.

"Be careful little one, you might fall." I heard a deep voice say. I looked up seeing a blonde and silver mixed haired man who gave me a small smile. I smiled back standing up and waving shyly. He chuckled and mocked my wave, making me smile and cover it with my sweater paw.

"What are you doing out here without a jacket? You'll get a cold, and it's about to rain." He said taking his jacket off and giving it to me.

"I have a Sweater on, I was looking for Peter were suppose to fight hook." I said kicking some orange leaves that fell from the trees of the forest we were in. He gave a smile before saying, "Would you like my help to find him."

I nodded hopping up and down excitedly, someone who finally understood me. He gasped looking back and forth watching the trees closely.

"What!" I said grabbing his hand and hiding behind him.

"Tinkerbell!" He said pulling me through the forest. That's when I finally saw it, the light shining and flashing through the woods. I giggled loudly as we ran through the forest. We ran for a while until I saw a big clearing.

"A Town!" He whisper yelled as we ducked behind some trees.

"Hook!" I whisper yelled in response. Then wind blew and I saw green flash at the corner of my eye.

"Peter!" I said a bit too loudly. Then Hook and all his men turned around seeing me and the stranger. Peter threw me a sword and I began to fight them off. We fought everyone off until I got to Hook and I instead hid behind the stranger. He fought for me and protected me. Hook and his men then ran away seeing how good he was at sword fighting. I giggled and hugged the man thanking him for helping.

"Of course little one, no problem." He said patting my head. We made our way back home and I started playing on the bridge again with the stranger. After a few minutes mother called me in for dinner.

"Okay I'm coming mommy!" I yelled. "What's your name?" I asked the man handing him his jacket back.

"Mads." He said, smiling and taking the jacket into his hands.

"I've never heard that name before it sounds different." I told him, tilting my head to the side and thinking about it.

"Well I'm not from here. I moved here from Denmark not to long ago." He responded,  kneeling down to my level.

"Oh that makes sense. Goodbye Mads!" I said running home and waving. He waved back and headed back to his home as well.
Thanks for reading ❤

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