Antonio Banderas- Grocery Store Trip

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"Antonio come on we have to go to the store!" I yelled to Tonio from downstairs

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"Antonio come on we have to go to the store!" I yelled to Tonio from downstairs. I heard his annoyed groans sound throughout the house making me sigh.

"It's either that or we eat nothing, you choose." I said grabbing the keys and throwing on a jacket.

"I just don't like going to the store Y/N. People don't understand me when I speak. It's difficult to have a conversation with a language barrier." He said letting his long hair down.

"That's exactly why you should be going with me, you'll learn english better that way. I'm not asking you to give a speech my love." I said as we headed towards the door.

"I do have to learn English but I don't want to today." He mumbled, walking in front of me outside the door.

"You've been saying that forever Antonio. If I don't do this to you you'll never learn." I said following behind him to the car.

We got in the car, and finally made it to the store after about half an hour. Antonio and I lived quite far away from town but we enjoy it because it's quiet.

"Alright you ready?" I said looking over at Tonio. He stared for a moment before nodding hesitantly. My eyes softened at his nervousness. "Tonio there's no need to be nervous. I'm right here baby, I'm not going anywhere." I said rubbing his shoulder.

He gave me a smile and hopped out of the car, with me following suit not to long after. We got in the store and Antonio wandered aisle to aisle trying to find new things to try. I had promised that we'd try 3 new snacks each week and he always found something that intrigued him, so we never ran out of ideas.

I had pretty much done all the shopping myself whilst Antonio was on the search for snacks to try. I didn't mind though knowing how excited he was to see the differences. I smiled as he looked between two bags of chips trying to figure out which one to try.

"Get both." I finally said after a moment. He looked up at me surprised but nodded and placed them both in the basket.

Finally we paid for everything and headed home to eat.

"What are we eating Y/N?" Antonio asked curiously.

"Steak, potatoes, and asparagus." I responded, to which he made gagging sounds. I rolled my eyes at him as I pulled out the ingredients.

"But I don't like asparagus." He said childishly his Spanish accent prominent.

"It's healthy for you we're eating it." I said almost sounding like a parent. I felt like I was half the time honestly. Antonio just sighed watching me cook until I finished.

"You're so picky babe." I said as I plated the food. He only pouted eating the asparagus with pure disgust on his face. I chuckled kissing his forehead as I started to eat my own food. Once we were finished, we watched a movie on the couch until we fell asleep.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed🧡

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