Alan Rickman- The Man Next Door

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I quickly headed to the front door trying desperately to not be late to the lunch date I promised my friend

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I quickly headed to the front door trying desperately to not be late to the lunch date I promised my friend. As soon as I opened the door a dog jumped up on me and started to rub against my leg. I giggled loudly, petting the sweet little golden retriever on the head.

"Hello where's your owner?" I said looking at his tag.

"I don't think he'll respond he's quite young afterall." Someone responded out of no where. I scanned the man over and over trying to figure out who he was. He had mid-length dirty blonde hair and piercing brown eyes. He wore a long black sweatshirt and some brown khakis with a pair of black sneakers.

"I know I'm not dumb." I said under my breath, making him crack a smile.

"I never said you were sweetheart don't get upset." He stated, his smile growing. I sighed out annoyed, but I did notice how smoothly sweetheart rolled off his tongue.

"You should keep him on a leash before he gets lost." I said handing the small dog back to him. He nodded holding the puppy close and cuddling into it. I smiled at the cute sight and the man noticed.

"I just moved into 207, nice to meet you." He said putting out his hand for me to shake, which I took.

"Nice to meet you as well, this really is a great spot, there are lots of cool diners and food places around here to check out. I think you'll like it here." I told him absentmindedly.

"I'd love to take you to one if you show me around here, I'll pay. I don't really know anyone out here." He said.

"Nah I'll pay since your new it's my treat. Oh, I have to get going, I'm suppose to meet a friend." I said realizing I was now late. He nodded and we said a goodbye before I jogged to the car. I smiled at the thought of us hanging out at a diner. I just met the man and I was already smiling about him. I shook my head and smiled before driving off to go meet my friend and tell her about the man next door.
Hope you enjoyed ❤ thanks for reading!

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