Hugh Dancy - Home From Work

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A tired sighed escaped me as I entered the front door

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A tired sighed escaped me as I entered the front door. I pulled my shoes and my coat off leaving only my suit showing. "I'm home Hugh!" I yelled out. Not too long after I hear the patter of feet.

"Y/N!" He yelled out hugging me tightly. I chuckled at him and kissed his cheeks before finally kissing him. He giggled at this covering his face with his sweater paw. Suddenly he gasped remembering something. "Heeey no I'm mad at you." He said, turning away from me and crossing his arms with a little pout.

I sighed out figuring he would do this. "Hugh, I'm sorry baby I got tied up at work, I'm home now honey. Please forgive me I'm sorry." I told him, hugging him from behind.

"Pluuuus I got you this!" I said holding up his favorite Disney movie collection, and some chocolates. He gasped once again before snatching it from me and hugging the objects close.

"I forgive you!" He said with a cute grin.

"I knew you would. You love me to much." I said sassily. He then hugged me, cuddling his head into my neck.

"Oh! Y/N I have a surprise for you too, close your eyes!" He said hopping up and down. I closed my eyes and followed him as he led me with his hand. "Ok you can look now!" He spoke after a couple of moments of silence. I opened my eyes and my mouth dropped.

"Hugh it's so pretty baby. Thank you!" He cooked dinner and set up the couch for us to watch a movie. I guess we'd be watching Disney movies tonight.

We ate and watched movies all night just happy to be in each other's company.
Thanks for reading! 💙 I hope you enjoyed. Also 1.8K reads is Amazing! Thank you guys so muuuuuch.😊

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