Ramin Karimloo- Hacked

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"Dad I'm stuck in a house in Outer space speaking to you through a satellite

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"Dad I'm stuck in a house in Outer space speaking to you through a satellite. I think we're a little beyond weird." I responded to my dad after he asked me if I saw anything weird in my server.

"Y/N! This is serious, did you see anything?" He responded sternly.

"No dad the only thing I saw was the AI you coded into my server and the world I built around me." I told him seriously.

"AI? What AI!?" My dad practically yelled.

"The AI you coded in like 3 days ago?" I stated confused.

" 3 days ago!? I didn't implement anything into your server Y/N, I would have told you if I did. Why didn't you ask me about it? I wouldn't implement anything into your server without briefing you on it first." He said.

"If I said anything I likely would have complained, and I know how much you want the best for me so I left it alone. He said his name was Damion." I told him.

"Someone hacked in...I have to wipe your entire network. Otherwise they'll get control of the entire Wright system." He responded.

"Dad no I built everything in there from scratch ever since I was 9 years old. You can't do that, I have valuable things there. Including the fusion engine I JUST built. You know just the one that could save everyone on earth." I said frantically.

"We're not using the fusion engine, and we have no choice. I'm more worried about you than anything else. We'll talk later okay." He said hurriedly.

"What are you hiding from me? Why can't we use the fusion engine!? This will fix everything dad." I yelled.

"Because I said we can't use the fusion engine and I know best. This won't fix anything Y/N, I won't let it fix anything." My father said before hanging up the call.

I sighed and curled up in bed, I was so tired of him hiding things because I was far away from him. What did he mean he wouldn't let it fix anything. I guess I would have to find what he was hiding on my own.
Thanks for reading 🧡 I hope you enjoyed. This is heavily influenced by the movie the stratum. I kinda rewrote it the way I would have reacted. 😂

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