Alan Rickman - Stolen Kisses

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I was ultra focused on trying to fix my glitching computer. It had been lagging all day. Alan of course offered to help but I wanted to do it on my own. If I learned to do it myself I wouldn't have to ask him to do it again. All of a sudden I felt a pair of lips meet my own.

"You're so cute when your focused Y/N." Alan said as he towered over my sitting frame.

"Did you just steal from me?" I asked with fake shock.

"Yes I did still a kiss and I'll steal another." He said kissing me again.

"You can't do that." I said crossing my arms with a fake pout.

"Why not?" His voice asks. I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Because..... Because their my lips." I stated confidently.

"Are they now?" He says.

"Yes." I responded.

"Well I better give your kisses back then. I wouldn't want to get in trouble, would I." I nodded. He kissed me over and over before I realized he was kissing me more times than he had before.

"Hey you're taking more kisses!" I said. This only made him chuckle as he ran off. I ran after him until finally catching up.

"Fine you can have my kisses." I said giggling as he snuck up from behind and grabbed me.

We hung out and talked on the couch for the rest of the day.
Thanks for reading 💙 I hope you enjoyed!

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