Mark Calaway- Well Past Curfew

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I giggled with my friends as we all sang horribly to the music that blasted in the car

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I giggled with my friends as we all sang horribly to the music that blasted in the car. We drove down the freeway for a night ride to just hang out.

"We need to do this more often." Aiden says smiling. I nod in agreement continuing to dance to the music.

"ITS 3 AM MY MOMS GONNA KILL ME." I heard Sammy scream with terror. My heart dropped hearing that. All Aaliyah could do was sit in shock and let it process with a look of absolute terror. All my friends still live with their parents but I live with my husband Mark.

"Y/N isn't Mark gonna be ticked?" Andrew said as he started speeding off the freeway. He himself was also panicked but he hid it better than all my other friends.

"Ticked about what? I'm a grown woman I make my own decisions." I definitely hid it better than everyone else because they called me lucky. Andrew dropped everyone home until it was just him and I left. We heard Sammy and Aaliyah's parents screaming at them before we drove away.

"See ya Y/N." Drew said as he drove off. I waved a goodbye and started for my house door. I pulled out my phone and turned it on. My jaw dropped, 30 missed calls from Mark. I quickly tried to come up with a reason I would miss his call...30 times. Before I could come up with anything the door swung open and there stood Mark staring at me...Very Angrily might I add. I stared back unsure what to really say to cover for myself.

"Well..." He says expecting an excuse.

"I lost track of time..." I say in a questioning tone. Truth was, I hadn't lost track of time because I wasn't looking at it in the first place.

"Is that right?" He says with a smirk.

"Yes..." I say in the same questioning tone. 

"You can lose track of time but I can't imagine losing track of 30 missed calls darling." He says still staring at me. I stand there, saying nothing and looking down at my feet. I don't know if it was a stupid gene that got bold or just the fact of me actually feeling that I could get away with saying it, but I let the words slip out before my mind could understand them.

"Im a grown woman, I can do whatever I want, whenever I wanna do it." I say shoving past him and going in the house.

"You'd best watch your tone girl." He said, raising an eyebrow. I huffed and flicked my hair back before stomping up the stairs. I went into our bedroom and slammed the door shut. I realized immediately i hadn't locked the door and by time I got to it, it was waaaay to late.

Mark stared down at me with annoyance obvious. "You know what you little brat, your pushing my buttons and you're doing it on purpose. I'm getting fed up with your attitude. Now I've tried to be nice up until now. Maybe thinking you're hitting your rebellious years a little late. Now I'm starting to think you're being disrespectful on purpose. And if that's the case I'll teach you what respect is." He said all of this as he backed me into to wall. Once my back hit the wall I panicked, and I realized I needed to make a decision. His hair cascaded down his face covering most of it. However, I could still see his piercing green orbs staring in my soul. I decided it would be better to back track now. If I ran for it then he'd most definitely be more ticked. He'd definitely pretty much ban me from seeing my friends for a long time.

"Sorry." I stated looking up at him  innocently and batting my eyelashes.

"Sorry for what baby?" He says. I hated when he made me tell him why. He already knew and I knew so why'd I have to say it. "So you can acknowledge what you did." Mark said seemingly reading my mind with a smirk.

"I'm sorry for being disrespectful and not checking in with you." I whisper.

"What was that." He says smugly leaning down closer.

"I'm sorry for being disrespectful and not checking in with you." I say louder. I stare down at his large boots as I fiddle with my shirt annoyed.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it." He says grabbing my chin so I can look at him. I glare up at him annoyed as I cross my arms. "You're so cute thinking that intimidates me." He says kissing me to which I gave in and kissed back. "No hanging with your friends for a month by the way, since you wanted to be mouthy about it." He says before handing me some food and placing me in bed. I give an irritated sigh to which he looks back at me questioning if I really wanted to do that. I continue to eat my food annoyed.

"As much of brat as you are baby. I want you to be safe, and home before it gets dark. I tell you things for a reason. I set rules in place for a reason, and I have my reasons for every rule. You understand baby?" He says. He walks back over to me and lifts my head up by my chin to look me in the eyes. I nod and he smiles leaning down to kiss me.

"Now eat and go to bed." He says. He lays down next to me and runs a hand through my hair as I eat. Soon I'm finished and we go to bed..
Thanks for reading 💙 I hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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