Erik Destler- Comfort

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(A little Bronson Norris Murphy Appreciation) ( From the US Tour)

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(A little Bronson Norris Murphy Appreciation) ( From the US Tour)

Top three phantoms imo Ramin Karimloo, Bronson Norris Murphy, and Hugh Panaro.

Maybe even a little JOJ

What are your top 3? I'm curious. I hear people argue a lot Abt this. 😂

"Are you angry with me?" Erik asked, as I lounged in the living room of the lair. I only signed unsure what to say to him. I didn't want to give him the silent treatment, that's what his mother use to do to him. I hated that, I feel like it causes someone to feel lonely and angry at themselves over something they can't fix and never will be able to.

"Erik your too obsessed with Christine." I told him honestly. I patiently waited for the anger too ensue.

"No I am not, she...we are friends. She said so herself." He says pausing, as he speaks softly. I think he truly convinced himself that Christine knew everything about him. I knew exactly what would happen once he decides to take the mask off.

"Erik...She thinks you're a celestial being. She's not expecting to find an actual man down here." I told him honestly. He seemed to be wrestling in his head.

"You don't know what you're talking about Y/N. Please leave Christine and I alone. Once she gets here, I don't want you here." He says bluntly, while heading to his music room. I roll my eyes leaving him to his devices. This wasn't new;Erik often gets upset with me when deep down he knows I'm right. I leave and allow him to go through whatever plan he had laid out. I mostly let Erik do whatever he wanted when it came to Christine. Unless he was hurting her in some way, which I knew he'd never do. Erik loved Christine way to much to hurt her.

I headed outside the lair to hangout in the streets of France. Hopefully I'd find something to cure my boredom. I decided to go to a little coffee shop with Meg. Meg often told me stories of the Phantom. Ones she made up of course, I don't think she has ever met Erik. I only nod, listening to her brain wander curiously about the man. After we finished, I then decided to head home.

*Time skip, Abt 3 hours later*
It has been 3 whole hours, there is no way Christine is still in his lair. I entered into his lair to see him on the stone floor crying as he was curled in a ball.

"Why? Why? Why can no one love Erik? Is Erik doomed to be alone forever in this world? Is he so unlovable?" He states those things over and over, as he was laid sideways on the floor with his arms wrapped around his legs. He rocked back and forth which I had always assumed was a soothing mechanism to combat feeling too overwhelmed.

I said nothing, as I walked by him to my room. He only watched me silently, still sobbing. I whistled to myself, knowing that my whistling calmed him. Erik hates when he's hurting and someone looks at him as if he's pitiful. I found it more useful to ignore him and soothe him from afar so he thinks it isn't purposely.

I wound up the music box in my room continuing to hum to it. Erik's crying seized as he watched me tidy my room. I then pulled out the fluffy blanket he knows we always used for cuddling. His head popped up from the floor, intrested in why I had pulled it out, he pretty much crawled over to where I was. Much like a toddler to be honest. Erik often did childish things unknowingly. I allowed him too, so that he could feel safe within himself, but also know that I would always take care of him if he feels overwhelmed or small. It's a large world, and I think we all feel a little small sometimes.

Once he was in my doorway I "noticed" him and smiled down at him. He was still on the floor looking longingly at the blanket and I. I went over to him, bending down to his level and kissed his cheeks before wiping his tears and leading him to bed with me. I went to the kitchen to get him some hot cocoa and snacks for a movie. Once I came back, he seemed in shock that I had done this for him.

"Are you not angry with Erik? He told you to leave him alone." He says sadly. I guess he thought he had hurt me. I was the only one who was use to Erik's outburst and didn't take them to heart. Even Giry backed off when he was upset. She was surprised to see I didn't give in to his outburst. All I did was look at Erik scoldingly and he understands that I wouldn't be easily scared by his fits of anger. Giry always says I was the only one who could tame him. This always made me chuckle because she's definitely right. Anyone else and Erik would be ready to fight.

"No Sweetheart of course not." His eyes became soft at the nickname. I had never used one before.  He wiped his tears away with a whimper to try and keep from crying again.

"Aww don't cry baby. Look Christine left, but I'm going to take care of you I promise. I'm never going to leave you by yourself ok." I said laying in bed with him. I put the plater on the bedside table knowing he'd want to cuddle up to me.

"Do you love Erik Y/N?" He asked. He sounded afraid I was going to say no.

"Of course Y/N loves Erik. How could anyone not?" I told him. He chuckled letting the tears fall as he bit into his chocolate croissant. "My sweet boy." I said kissing his forehead. His eyes lit up as I said that, and he cuddled into me happily.

"Y/N, can me those names from now on.  Everything just feels better and....'' He tries to get out nervously.

"Of course I can." I said running my hands through his hair. I often forgot Erik had no physical contact until he met Christine and I. Meaning no one had touched him lovingly, or kissed him good night, or even told him bedtime stories. I was then determined to do that. Many years too late but I'd do it anyways. I looked upon his unmasked face lovingly, placing my head against his. Soon enough we both fell asleep.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed 😊💙

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