Mark Calaway- Eat Healthy

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"I want cookies

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"I want cookies." I whispered to Mark as we both sat in bed. My sweater paws covered  my face as I looked at him innocently. He gave me a strict look raising an eyebrow.

"Mhmm you know the rules baby no sugar it's too late." He said tiredly as he ran his hands through my hair and rubbed my back. I pouted up at him before crossing my arms and looking away. He only chuckled kissing my forehead.

"Please can we go to the stoooore pleaaaaase!" I dragged out grabbing his arm and putting my head on his shoulder.

"No we aren't going baby, It's 10:00 PM. You know what, you wouldn't be hungry if you were asleep." He said turning and pulling the covers up over his body. I scowled at his back annoyed. I heard him stiffle a laugh knowing what I was doing since I was quiet.

I waited until Mark fell asleep, I then decided I would just go get it myself. I hopped out of bed and got dressed before grabbing the keys and heading downstairs.

I got ready to twist the doorknob before I heard, "What do you think your doing?" From the steps behind me I rolled my eyes and walked out the door anyway. As soon as I got to the door Mark was next to me. This was odd because I didn't even hear his footsteps. He said nothing as he stood in front of my car door with his arms crossed and his eyebrow raised. I sighed knowing I wouldn't get past him and headed back inside. I got upstairs and laid in bed pulling the covers over my head in annoyance.

After about 30 minutes I heard Mark coming upstairs to which I ignored. I could tell he was standing above me but I still ignored him. He sighed pulling the covers from over my head.

"Here you little hungry brat." His deep voice said above me endearingly.

I open my eyes annoyed, but immediately brightened up when I saw the assortment of snacks he brought me. I reached for one but he pulled back.

"What do you say Darling?" He said smugly.

"Thank you." I said rolling my eyes.

"Mhmm next time drop the attitude princess. If anyone should have one it's me." He said grabbing my face and kissing me. I snatched the tray from him and pulled the covers over my head before pulling my Nintendo switch out and opening up animal crossing. In no time I felt the bed dip next to me, and Mark also pulled the covers over his head to watch me play. He planted a small kiss on my forehead before he continued to watch me play. We ate snacks and played videogames until we both fell asleep.
Thanks for reading 🧡 I hope you enjoyed!

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