Johnny Depp- Clingy

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I stopped my blaring alarm slamming my fist on it over and over until it finally stopped

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I stopped my blaring alarm slamming my fist on it over and over until it finally stopped. I didn't dare open my eyes knowing that I'd wake up if I did. This is where the problem came in though. I wanted to cook Johnny breakfast, but I don't know what time it is. I let out a sharp sigh annoyed at my circumstance but opened my eyes anyway. I looked at the red 11 o'clock surprised, I was usually up by 6AM. I got ready to lug myself out of bed but a strong pair of arms stopped me.

"No stay here." Johnny whined, his voice muffled from his head being buried in my back.

"Baby, don't you want breakfast? You're gonna be hungry if I don't go fix it, because I know you won't. What would you do without me." I said, sighing out the last sentence sassily. I could feel him smiling on my back in response.

"I'm not hungry." He stated pulling me closer. I looked back at him unconvinced, and as soon as I did his stomach growled. This caused me to laugh as he only pouted embarrassed by it. I kissed his pout and once again went to go get up. However, Johnny hung onto me tightly which caused me to pull him up with me in the process. I was basically giving him a piggy back ride.

He hung onto the cover as well making it look like we had on a cape. I just followed along, use to having to carry him because he hung onto me like a monkey. I carried him downstairs and began to cook, him still holding tightly to me. However, half way through John decided he wanted to hang on from the front instead. I laughed loudly telling him I'd have to see around his head to cook.

"Are you trying to say my heads big?" He asked in mock offense. I rolled my eyes and kissed him softly, whilst completely ignoring his question. He quietly cuddled into me while I cooked for us, and I took in the moment enjoying the silence.

"Alright." I said softly as I finished plating our food. I put him in the chair next to my own and sat his food in front of him. He leaned his head on my shoulder as we ate, enjoying each other's company.
Thanks for reading 🧡 I hope you enjoyed.

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