Hugh Dancy- Window Boy

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I sighed closing my laptop for the day and packing up to leave

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I sighed closing my laptop for the day and packing up to leave. I was beyond stressed with the amount of work to be done and was basically slamming things around to quickly leave. However, I stopped when my eyes caught movement in the corner of my eye. I looked over to see the boy who always cleaned my window grinning widely and waving with enthusiasm.

I would gladly be cleaning windows if it made me that happy all the time. I smiled waving back, I called him a boy but he was really probably about 22 years old. He blew his breath on the window and then drew a heart on the now foggy window. I laughed genuinely for the first time in probably weeks. I quickly packed my things and headed out to talk to him.

"Hiya Y/N." He said with a big innocent smile. His blue orbs lit up when he did that, so I always knew it was genuine.

"Hey Hugh! What are you up to?" I asked watching him clean the windows.

"I'm up to my neck in glass cleaner." He responded jokingly. This made me chuckle at him shaking my head.

"Hey I'm a bit stressed from from work, so what do you say I wait for you to finish up here, and we go get some dinner." I said.

"Really!" He asked surprised at my question.

"Of course, I need a little relaxation so I have time." I told him.

"I-I'd love too." He stuttered out happily. I smiled at him and gave a nod.

"I'll meet you down stairs." I told him to which he nodded.

After about 30 minutes Hugh was finished and met me downstairs. He threw on some street clothes and I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed him before. All these jerks I was dating and I could've dated this guy. This made me smile to myself.

"I hope this is okay, I didn't know what to wear and-" He said dragging on.

"That's perfect Hugh." I said kindly.

We made it to the restaurant fairly quickly and sat down to order. I saw hugh's eyes widen looking at the menu.

"What's wrong love?" I asked. He leaned close almost embarrassed.

"Y/N I don't have the money for this." He said fear evident in his eyes. This only made me smile, did he really think I would let him pay for dinner? The waitress came over and asked for our orders.

"I'll have the Salmon en croûte, and Le petit prince peut obtenir tout ce que son cœur désire. Je paie pour tout." I told her in French. (Guys don't come at me I used google translate cause I'm not that good yet.) (However it should translate to, "The little prince may get whatever his heart wishes. I'm paying for it all.")

The waitress nodded and smiled towards Hugh who looked between us confused. I nodded letting him know to go on. I saw him scanning the prices making me sigh.

"Anything you'd like Hugh, I have more than enough money darling. Id rather spend it on you than any other worthless thing." I said, with a kind smile.

"I want pie." He whispers.

"Dinner first sweet boy, then dessert." I said, sternly.

"Hamburger and fries?" He asked innocently, tilting his head to the side almost like a lost puppy. I nodded approvingly towards him, making him smile. "I'll have a burger and fries." He told the waitress proudly. She nodded smiling at him before writing his order down and walking away.

Hugh and I ate dinner and laughed for the rest of the day before we both decided to head home.
Thanks for reading 🧡 I hope you enjoyed.

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