Chapter 1: Ya'll what the fuck.

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We all know what soulmates are. The people who are the completion of you. Sure you can date other people before you meet your soulmate but in this case. Once you meet your soulmate. It's a bond made for life. Trust me, you'll never get bored of it. Apparently once my mother thought she was bored when really dad didn't plan anything special for thier anniversary so i don't think that counts. Anyways! Here is my story on how i managed to get the best and worst soulmate find in all of the 16 realms.

Another day in ninjago. Is how we live our lives. And another day unfortunately of attending school. AkA every, teenagers & kids worst. Nightmare. Luckily i wasn't starting there for another couple weeks.

Sorry we're going off topic. Hi my names Y/n. And due to my academic skills and... not so polite behaviour, by polite i mean that i annoy my parents too much, i've been sent to live with my auntie and uncle in ninjago city.

Although you'd think 'wow city life!' you would not find wow here unless there's something evil trying to take over the world. It is so common for this to happen that at this point we walk down crime riddled streets in total peace.

The only redeeming qualities about this place is A. job opportunities, B. my family & C. I luckily have 1 friend who lives here. Her names Jiya and i've been friends with her for.. uhhhh.. i've forgotten. But i know it's years!!

LETS GET ONTO MY STORY OF HOW, my life completely changed from being boring and ordinary to one filled with danger and total whack shit.

"Y/N M/N L/N! You better be ready to head our that door. Or else i'm dragging you out by your hair!" My mother yelled up to me.

Geez how on earth she ever got a soulmate is sometimes beyond my own knowledge. The woman's a mad-man! She eats EVERYTHING with a knife and a fork. We went out for a quick takeout meal and i swear she lost the plot in the car when she found out there was no gloves to protect her hands from touching her food. I don't know what gene that is but i think it's been passed onto me..

"I'm ready! I'm heading down now!" I replied back to her as i hurriedly made my way downstairs, banging a suitcase on every 2 steps.

"STOP BANGING THAT BLOODY CASE. You're giving me a headache." M/n said to me in a threatening tone. I knew better than to make her anymore angry otherwise it'd even make the first spinjitzu master feel afraid. That woman could rip my head off in a heartbeat only using her PINKY TOE.

I nodded as we both packed my gear into the car and set off, it was sad having to wave goodbye to my house and everyone who lived in it.Along with a farewell message to my friends who lived here. But my parents knew i was chosen for great opportunities and i couldn't get it where we lived.

As we drove to ninjago city, i happily plugged my phone into the car and played my music playlist. The first song coming on being "A thousand miles" Which i happily took the option of having a full on concert with my mum as each song played.

As we drove, we drove past a desert and a few mountains. Including a train! I didn't know how exciting trains were unless your car trip starts getting boring. Atleast the only thing keeping me going from throwing myself out the car and onto the train tracks, were my thoughts about what my new life there could bring.

When i was a kid i was pretty close to my aunt and uncle. They're on my mums side of the family and if i had to pick between sides. No offence dad but i'd choose mums.

Eventually we made it to ninjago city. Upon entering, there were street lights and billboards that still shone in the daytime, sometimes they'd be having ads that included the ninja! The most popular heroes to ever exist.

Soon my mum stopped the car infront of a quite snazzy apartment complex. We both got out and carried my cases inside. She pressed a buzzer for their floor and boy oh boy was it high. It was near the top of the building, i'd say atleast 2 or 3 floors down from the roof. We made our way into the elevator up to the floor as there was a few other rooms we passed by and eventually knocking on the door to reveal my aunt.

A/N, who's younger than my mum by only a few years. She smiled upon seeing us as she invited us inside. Once the luggage was inside and unpacked because apparently my mum doesn't trust me enough with my own clothes and essential items. We had a drink of tea together as A/N and My mum chatted about thier recent lives. Let me tell you, it was not gossip worthy. My mum then stepped out of the apartment door, giving me a sad but happy look as she turned to my auntie and said "A/n you know that's gonna take me a while to get back and i've got stuff to do, i'll call you ok?". She said as she looked between me and my aunt, both of us nodding our head.

I waved my mum goodbye before my auntie turned to me saying "Ok what do you want for dinner? Takeaway, pasta, pizza, anything you'd like. Also U/n is not gonna be back home for a while so, i'll also help you get settled into your new room!"

"Can we have pizza for dinner? I wouldn't mind a good pizza" I smirked at my aunt who smirked back at me and nodded.

I think i'm gonna enjoy my stay here.

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