Chapter 3: Wake me up inside and save me from the dark.

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Oh my fucking god no. I wanted to die, I wanted death to come and kiss me on the cheek just like Melanie says. (😤I love melanie.)

Lo and behold there stood the few teenagers i encountered before in the park, snickering and giggling. I felt like a fool. I was sat here by myself. I looked like a loser, i sounded like a loser earlier.

'First spinjitzu master if you're up there if this is punishing me for doing something, i'm so so sorry.' I thought to myself.

However thanks to my awesome hearing i heard one of the members from the group say to the other. "Dare you to talk to them". Well isn't this gonna be my fucking cup of tea. First spin guy, don't let me down now. I prayed that this time i won't be a fool.

I heard a chair scrape against the floor, not harshly but not gently either, and then the footsteps got closer to my table, my head was looking down at the table until the shadow casted over me causing me to look up. It was the blonde boy..

"Heyyy..." I said trying not to be awkward asf.

"Hi" He replied back, a small smile on his face.

"My friends sent me over here to check if you're ok from earlier, we're really sorry for hitting you with our football." He said apologetically.

"Oh, it's fine. I'm sorry for being so awkward." I said back apologetically

Surprisingly he chuckled a bit before sitting down at my table and saying "You don't look like your from here.. oh! Sorry for sitting, is someone else coming orrr"

I nervously laughed aswell as i said "Nope, just me so it's fine. Also, yeah, i'm not too familiar with this place. I'm living here with my aunt and uncle" NO Y/N WHY'D YOU EXPOSE THAT TO A STRANGER.

He listened and smiled as he said "Oh so that's why i've never seen you here before. How are you enjoying the city so far?"

"It's fine, i guess. I'm just glad that there isn't any trouble going on that would cause destruction or something" I replied to him.

"My names Lloyd, Lloyd garmadon. And you?" He stated, holding out a hand for me to shake.

"Y/n L/n"

I took his hand and shook it gently, he seems nice.

"Well Y/N if you'd like you're more than welcome to come join me and my friends over on our table" He said, wearing that same sweet smile, it was a warm and genuine smile. His cute dimples really made it all come together.

"Ah, uhm... that's a kind offer really but, i better get my food and get going. My aunt is probably expecting me to be home by now and I've got chores" I scratched the back of my head nervously as i chuckled. I knew that in the few minutes to come i was gonna batter myself for not choosing to know more about this guy. He was cute. But he's definitely out of my league. I could never pull him.

I then got up and waved him goodbye and gave a nod to his friends before grabbing my food which was made and walking back to the apartment.

Once I got back to the apartment, i kicked off my shoes and opened my bag with my food inside along with my drink. I sat down and binged through a series.

Around 2 hours later into the series, i get a text from my friend Jiya, she lives here in ninjago city. 'Why didn't i invite her to the cafe or around town with me.. Damn. I'm stupid as fuck. Ok stop talking to yourself mentally' I scolded.


I was a bit confused as to why she'd be messaging me about the news, i mean unless it was drama or something random but.. the news channel?

"No why?"


Dang, what's so special about the news Jiya?

"Ok ok!😦"

I quickly turn over to the news channel where gale gossip was broadcasting live. The ninja were fighting some criminals. But not just any criminals, they're some new mafia group or criminal gang. Where they looked like they were fighting.. it looked familiar.. Was that.. NEAR THE APARTMENT BUILDING?

Gale: "Excuse me! Can we get a quick interview with ninjago's protectors AND most famous celebrities?! Just a quick few words, not a-lot!"

The ninja looked to one another. Until the one in green stepped forward and said "sorry gale but we've got to get back"

Gale looked extremely disappointed before sighing and then turning back to facing the camera putting on her fake smile as she says "This is gale gossip on ninjago news, tune in next time for our latest reports"

I then switched off the TV. Wow.. the ninja.. were right near me. Near where i now live...

How did i not hear it? I swear My aunt needs to take me to a doctor or something because my hearing is getting ridiculous.

I looked at the time it read '5:49pm'. Where's my aunt? Where's my uncle.. usually my uncle is home around this time.. Did he have a trip overseas that he needed to go to and forgot to tell me.? Did my aunt have a night shift coming up and she's too busy to talk? No, they'd make it their first priority to let me know... wouldn't they?

Maybe they're grabbing food or just running late.. Yeah! No need to panic Y/N they're just out eating somewhere, could be a date and they probably don't wanna be disturbed. If they're not back by 11pm then maybe start panicking.

I took deep breathes in and out to calm my nerves along with a little walk around in a circle too. Not having them here and me being on my own now felt a little bit.. creepy. It felt too quiet and airy. Not that my thoughts could keep me company but what i'm thinking is surely gonna send me into a panic.

I sat back down on the sofa and grabbed my phone, listening to my favourite bands and songs. Trying to take my mind off the 1 thing my gut was so sure about.

They weren't gonna come home anytime soon.

To be or not to be? Lloyd x fem!Reader//NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now