Chapter 14:Basically mordetwi.

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"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?"
No lie i could rlly use a wish right now.

"After this, wanna try and stargaze?" He asked me with a raised brow. I scrunched my nose and looked at him as if to say 'are you being fr?'. "Yknow you can't see the stars here due to light pollution.. right?" I said to him continuing the 'ight' sound. He blinked at me confused then looked like he'd been gobsmacked.

"Oh fuck, sorry. No no. Like, we can go on my elemental dragon.. yknow, together?" He said now with a smile on his face, his smile honestly set something inside me burning, but in a good way. But, there was something off about that smile though, discreetly i tried to examine it.. was his canine teeth longer and sharper.. or was that just me? Hmm. Odd.

"Sureeee" I said back to him accepting his offer. He then quickly placed back down the frozen peas and grabbed my hand as he pulled me back to the fire exit. Opening the door swiftly, he pulled me onto his back in a piggyback position as he jumped up the rails to the rooftop. I closed my eyes in fear and snuggled my head into his neck.

Lloyd chuckled and said "Scaredy cat" then placed me down. I huffed and gave him an offended look "Yeah, i am a scaredy cat. WHEN MY SOULMATE IS AN ADRENALINE JUNKIE!" I practically scolded at him. Lloyd rolled his eyes with a smirk "You probs enjoyed it though, I mean, these fangirls would love to be you right nowwww~" he replied in a cocky tone.

"Stand back a sec whilst i concentrate" Lloyd told me and i took a little step back. In a flash of green, there stood a dragon. In that moment, I fell back, not in fright but in more of a panicked awe. Like. Wow, but also woah. Lloyd came over to me and helped me up. " want me to help you get on him?" he asked me. I nodded my head in reply.

Once we both were on the green dragon, we sat still for a while, which i was prepared to be soaring already. I let go of Lloyds waist which i had been holding onto for fear incase i fell off whilst taking flight and huffed "Right, so are we going or NO-" I was cut off by the dragon suddenly taking off in a quick swift of its wing.

As quickly as i could, i grabbed back onto Lloyds waist for dear life and felt as the cold air hit my cheeks and pulled back my hair which soared along with the dragon in the wind. As we flew higher and higher, i opened my eyes and saw the city becoming smaller and the lights become a haze in the clouds.

The dragon now soared through the sky smoothly, letting me and Lloyd both take sight of the stary sky, billions and billions covered it like glitter on black card. I'd always loved the stars, the stars felt somewhat comforting every-time i saw them.

"What a beautiful night" I said softly as Lloyd listened. "Yeah... but, i think you're way prettier.." He replied, i turned my head to face his and both our cheeks blushed red. Even under the moonlight it was visible as it gleamed it's rays of light onto the both of us.

"I don't get it.." I said to him, which he looked at me confused. "Why in the day do you just.. ignore me and stuff but.. late evenings and stuff you're so.. i don't know. It's like you hate me and like me all at once.." I say to him as i then look away.

Lloyd opened his mouth to say something, but it looked like the words were caught in his throat which he closed his mouth and just began to think. I sighed and watched the steam from my warm breath dissolve into the air.

"I don't hate you... i really do like you y/n.." he finally spoke. "But, you seem like you do sometimes.. at dinner you wouldn't look at me. Every-time i entered a room with you, you'd leave.." I replied back to him.

"I know.. it's probably a shitty thing that i did that.. I'm sorry about that y/n... honestly this won't excuse it but.. you see.. uhm.. there's something that happened.. before i met you of course!" He said to me. I listened with integrity.

"There was this girl named 'harumi' and i really thought she liked me honestly. But then i found out she was just pretending and only wanted to bring back my father.. well.. garmadon back from the dead.. and some other stuff happened but.. the thing is.. after harumi, i never thought i'd be able to love someone like i loved her again. I barely knew her but it felt like i'd knew her  a lifetime, when i found out we weren't soulmates, it made me question a-lot and sorta hate.. my soulmate? That sounds weird but.. yeah.. i don't know.. I'm just.. I'm really sorry." He said to me looking down apologetically.

Before i could reply he continued "but, i'm glad that she wasn't my soulmate.. not because she betrayed me. I mean yeah but.. when i met you.. i felt the connection.. i felt our bond and, it was so intense i got scared that if i got too close to you.. you'd burn me just like she did. I.. i was scared.. and i wanted to protect us both.." Lloyd said looking ashamed of himself. My heart ached for the boy, i understood the feeling of being betrayed and such.

I scooched over to him a bit, which he noticed and said "I'm thankful you told me that.. although it was kinda shitty, i understand why you did that too... I'm sorry for what harumi did to you.. no-one deserves that.. you deserve better than anything really." I said letting my closest hand to him rest on his, his hand flinched at-first then quickly calmed and he turned it over to hold my hand.

"Thank you.. for understanding.." He said to me with a soft smile, i returned one back. We stared into each-others eyes and i felt myself get closer and closer towards him our eyes still locked to one another. My lips parted a bit as my lids began to slowly drift down. Lloyd's did too. I could feel his breathe against my lips until the dragon jolted. Making us both part away from one another and see what'd happened.

"Woah woah, calm down boy what is it?" Lloyd said trying to hush the dragon. He then scanned the area which we now were in. It was a quite big village somewhere west. Below us Lloyd could make out a few thugs harassing a woman. He quickly landed not too far away from them, trying to be as quiet as possible, he said "Wait here, I'll be right back." Before i could reply, he'd wandered away..

To be or not to be? Lloyd x fem!Reader//NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now