17:The blonde-Tv Girl

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Y/N's Pov:
It'd been not that long since me and lloyd last saw one another, although recently it'd appear that he'd been busy doing stuff and me just waiting for his messages.

I even made a playlist dedicated for each song i thought about him. Damn wasn't i loosing it?

a friend of mine f/n came over today.

"Y/n yknow ever since you've got a boyfriend, your heads been in the clouds.. it's like you've got a whole nother alter ego.." f/n said to me whilst crossing thier arms in a bit of an annoyed huff.

"anita max wynn" I mumbled

"what?" f/n said.

"Nothing" I replied

"You're such a weirdo, how the frick are we even friends..?" f/n said looking at me a bit with a dissatisfied look.

"You're just blessed to have me in your life, Yknow, the first spinjitzu master fr wildin" I replied back with an arrogant smirk as f/n just deadpanned before getting up and stretching.

"Whatever, anywho you busy tonight or tomorrow?"

"Who's askin?"i said smugly looking at f/n as i raised my eyebrows up and down.

They scoffed and snorted a bit too, they began walking away to the front door whilst saying"You need to chill, i'll just come get you tomorrow. See ya y/n!"

"Byeeee!!" I said back cheerily, blowing them a kiss to which they stuck thier middle finger up at me. Bitch. I just smiled and chuckled to myself. Damn...

As if i'd been distracted for a few minutes only to realise i'd had 3 new notifications on my phone..

They're all from Lloyd.

To be or not to be? Lloyd x fem!Reader//NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now