Chapter 12:I'm feeling devious and mischevious

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Thank the first spinjitzu master. Honestly, right now i would give broski a kiss and a hug. Saved me from pure embarrassment because it turned out that the person who said 'ahem' was none other than master wu.

"Oh master wu! So sorry, I'll be much quieter" I said awkwardly whilst scratching my hand.

He gave a tough grunt and nodded before going back to his room to meditate, I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank fuck i wasn't gonna be embarrassed today. HAHA FATE THAT's 1 for me and probably 2billion for you! How does it feel to know you're loosing.

After that extreme boost of confidence and morale. I decided to head back into the hallway and face my fears of walking past Lloyds room again without looking like a stalker. UNSTALKIFIED Y/N. IS A GO.

Making sure i was walking with pace and supreme confidence down those halls is alot to pull off, luckily i'm a pro at that. (I've literally done it 3 times at home when i wanted something out of the fridge.)

I don't know if fate hates me for saying what i said earlier but i take it back. That's 2billion and 1 for fate.. why?

The floorboard fucking creaked so loud. I swear i saw a painting on the wall move because of how loud it was. Eary silence. Not a sound or a peep from any room then there's me. Snooping. I'm no snoop dog. I'm just a snoop bitch.

As luck would have it, Lloyd was right next to his door too, which was still open a bit. 'Now y/n don't be stupid. Don't stand there. Keep walking.' I thought to myself, forcing my legs to  make a run or anything.

It had been a while since speaking with Lloyd and after my conversation with kai, I'm sorta relieved in a way...

As i turned the corner, i hid for a brief moment, catching my breath. Until i heard a door slide open a bit more, which was obviously Lloyds door because no-one else was in thier rooms except for me, Lloyd and master wu

I peeked my head round the edge ever so slightly. I know i said no peeky toms or anything but this is pure curiosity, nothing weird whatsoever. I saw Lloyd step out into the hallway, looking down towards my room..

'Is he making sure i'm still in there or.?'

Nope. He then walked down a few doors to master wu's meditation room, gently sliding open the door and closing it softly. The only sound to be heard was the shuddering of the doors opening and closing. No patters of thier feet against the floor, no sound of breathing at all except for the hushed one of my own, no floorboards croaked and creaked underneath him.

'Dang some ninja skills that..'

To make sure i didn't waste anymore of my day, i needed to plan out a way to tell the ninja i was leaving as i'd already gotten a job elsewhere and i'd provide for myself in my aunts and uncles apartment as the city during my meeting with the police said that they'd cover my bills until my aunt and uncle were ever found.

I haven't spent much time here that's for sure, but this place had a bit of a growth on me, the feeling of it felt like a place to call home, each room having some sort of happy and sad memories to them, this whole place was built.. on trust, mutual respect, loyalty, friendship.

Subconsciously, i had wandered out of the monastery back down the mountain to the 'secret garden'. The lovely place where it smelt like dewdrops and fresh morning along with a hint of rose and cherry blossoms. Due to the fact there being cherry blossom trees, the place always had a calming effect on me and gave me a chance to properly think about what next. I'd used it quite a bit during my stay here at the monastery.

The grass as always was wet and dusted with dewdrops, the air was a bit foggy but the sunlight broke through it creating a mist through the water vapour. It was nearing autumn and most of the cherry blossom trees were nearly bare due to the seasons changing.

To be or not to be? Lloyd x fem!Reader//NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now