Chapter 7: From a stranger, to a friend

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Unfortunately, our time together was cut short..

The Ninja from earlier the one with blue and blueish grey said "we've arrived back at the monastery everyone". Hearing this, i saw the green ninja quickly take his leave, before he did though, he gave me a closed eyed smile and a nod.

I felt myself feel a bit more at home and comfortable around him.Hmm. I then also got off along with the other ninja, we all walked through the big red doors that led into the courtyard, A statue lay in the middle and on the walls were painted all the battles between the ninja and thier foes.

I was so excited and bewildered to be here, it was a great honour. The ninja all stood outside in a line, to which the red one signalled to join next to them at the end. I quickly made my way over there as we saw an old looking man with a long white beard and a.. A girl robot wearing a samurai suit? Emerge from the monastery doors.

"Good evening sensei" The ninja all chanted at once, greeting the old man.

'That must be their master, sensei wu.' I thought to myself. He was known quite a bit by the local tea enjoyers, my aunt and uncle being one of them.

Sensei wu turned to me and smiled at me comfortably before saying in a frail voice "Ahh, you must be Y/N, niece of U/N and A/N right?"

I nodded my head as i replied "Uhh yes sensei, master?...wu"

He let out a chuckle as he turned around and used his stick and said "come follow child, i'll show you to your room where you'll be staying."

'Wow how did he know? I mean it is safe to assume but.. just.. wow..' I thought to myself in shock. The sheer amount of stuff happening right now. The feelings i'm feeling. It all feels to unreal.

We walked down a hall or two before stopping at a door, he slowly unravelled it to reveal a simple and plain room, it wasn't decorated but it wasn't too shabby either. Not that i would complain if it was.

"Thank you alot, and thank you to your ninja too, your gratitude is something i can hope to repay one day" I said to master wu as i bowed my head in respect.

"Ofcourse, looking after the citizens and bringing peace is what we do as ninja. Goodnight Y/N," He said still having that sweet old smile on his face before closing the door leaving me to get comfortable and sleep.

I walked over to my new bed as i curled myself up in it's blankets and turned to the side facing the wall. All the emotions of sadness and worry and panic finally came back to me as i felt homesick and my fear for my family just grew worse. The situation i'm in. I realised how dire it actually was. I couldn't help but let tears fall down my cheeks, not making a sound as i felt myself cry, until my lids grew tired and weak as they closed.

"Y/n? Y/n! stop being so silly and give A/N back her shoes"

"What a lovely picture you drew Y/N i'll hang it on the fridge and keep it with me forever!"

"Y/n don't be so silly ofcourse you'll find your soulmate one day, they say that 2 people might find thiers earlier than others."

"Stay strong for us...Y/n"

I gasped awake as i jumped and was now in a sitting up position with my arms holding myself up. Looking around for any source of time, i pulled up my phone '4.30am' it read. No new notifications.

I then wriggled my legs out of the covers, as they both softly patted against the floor. I walked along each step so quiet until the pat against the floor wasn't heard.

To be or not to be? Lloyd x fem!Reader//NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now