Chapter 11: Secrets, lies and alot of banta

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((The long awaited chapter))

As we moved closer and closer to the monasteries mountains, I was still in a mood with kai and the rest of the ninja. Why were they not telling me this? What was their problem?. My heart yearned for answers, answers that i needed. Answers that would make me feel at ease.

If Lloyd has a bad past with girls that's not my fault.. it's sad.. i get it. But why take it out on me?. I didn't choose to have a soulmate. No-one gets to choose. That's the whole point.

Coming out of the trance i was in whilst staring solemnly out the window, I watched a kai sped up... RIGHT TOWARDS THE MOUNTAIN.

"DO YOU WANT US TO DIE?! YOU'RE GONNA CRASH THIS.!" I yelled at him, fear and adrenaline coursing through me.

"Just trust me Y/N" He said with a smirk as he pushed down harder on the pedal. I swear i could feel my heart thumping out of my chest. The feeling of throwing up was also coming into contact.

"I'm gonna be sick" I say quickly as i try to take deep breathes.

"You'll be fine" He said back to me whilst rolling his eyes.

As i watched us come closer and closer towards the mountain. I quickly shut my eyes tightly not wanting to see my horrid death in 4k. God can make me watch it when i'm ascending to heaven... if i even make it there.

I heard a loud rumble noise and honestly i thought we were done for. Until i heard the car wheels screech as the vehicle came to a stop. I opened my eyes slowly one by one. Realising we went through to the inside of the mountain. It was a secret base underneath their base. I looked back to see there was stone doors disguised to be apart of the mountain which had opened up for us.

"Woah.." I whispered to myself, as i realised kai was hopping out of the car.

"You coming? Or do you wanna spend the night in there. Either way you do you." He said with that same playful smirk he always has.

This time i rolled my eyes at him as i hopped out too, "haha very funny." I said sarcastically. To which he still held that smug smirk on his face and shrugged his shoulders. What an idiot.

He led me over to an elevator and pressed the button to go up. It didn't take long for it to arrive and we both quickly made our way inside. Our silence piercing the air. I decided that now i should ask him.

"What did you mean earlier... by.. protect?" I said to him as i stared at the doors. watching the lights hover down whilst we went up.

"I can't tell you that.." He replied. "Yes you can, you're just not willing to tell me." I said back. "It's not that easy to explain Y/N, you need to have some patience".

"You cannot talk about patience kai.." I gave him a blank look. "I know but master wu forbids any of us to tell you. I think he wants to do it himself but... in due time. I wasn't even supposed to mention it to you." Kai said as he looked down a bit ashamed that he'd slipped it out.

A bit of me felt pity for the red ninja. "Yknow i'd usually expect that sorta stuff from jay" I chuckled a bit. Trying to bring back his cocky smirk.

"Heh yeah, same honestly." He said back, a small smirk returning to his face.

The elevator then came to a halt as the doors opened to the living room area. Cole was sat there playing 'prime empire' his drinking hat thing? On his head and a... chicken.. right beside him. He looked our way as he gave us both a smile and said "Hi Y/n, Kai, wanna play prime empire?" He then held up a controller.

"I'll have to pass on that, the greatest game i'm able to smash people at is mario kart & wii sports and i don't feel like learning a new game yet" i said with a uneasy smile. "But thanks for the offer cole"

Kai then quickly sat beside cole, picking up the controller as they both began to play prime empire together. Not gonna lie, kai's excitement to play made me laugh a bit before i left the room. I then walked down the hallways, the floorboards creaking here and there until i made it to master wu's meditation room. I could smell fresh incense which meant he must've been in there.

I debated weather to knock and come in or not. I'd already lifted up my hand but then quickly put it back to my side, deciding not to ask what was on my mind. Walking back to my room, i noticed lloyd's door open a bit. I know this seems like stalking. But!! Curiosity never hurt anyone..

I looked through the creak bit as i saw him as his desk writing, he'd clipped his shaggy hair back too... wait.. his ears... they were quite pointy.. like an elf?.. Was he part elf or something? I smiled to myself and silently giggled. Suddenly he stopped writing and leaned back in his chair. He sat there for a few moments before saying "I can hear you yknow? You're not that quiet."

I stood there frozen, unsure of what to do, should i just run for it. I can't face this embarrassment. Omg he must think i'm some weirdo. Oh my lord no. I decided to just make a run for it, I ran back all the way to my room. Not daring to look behind me.

"I'm never showing my face again. Never. Ever. I'm gonna die of shame. Of embarrassment. If my parents heard about this they'd call me borderline stalker... I mean.. it isn't stalking if you didn't mean it... I WAS ONLY CURIOUS!!" I said to myself as stuff raced across my head. thinking and wondering at why i'm honestly a weirdo.

Unfortunately my body when it's in fear has never heard of something called shutting my door. I heard an 'ahem'. Which my whole body whipped around to see who it was.. A part of me prayed inside that it wasn't lloyd or anyone who had just watched me practically stalk him..

To be or not to be? Lloyd x fem!Reader//NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now