Chapter 2: Is this a meet and greet or what?

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Finally being settled into my new home. I decided that i'd go out and about, to explore ninjago. My auntie gave me £30 to spend. Not all of it ofcourse, only if i needed food or if i needed emergency transport home ((like a taxi)).

As i headed out and made my way around, i found alot of shops there selling loads of ninja themed stuff. Which didn't surprise me but it probably was for tourism and stuff or for younger kids who idolised the ninja.

I eventually made my way to the docks, deciding to go on a seaside stroll. But as i got to the docks, i realised it was quite occupied. I mean the weather wasn't that sunny today so it baffled me until i saw them..

The ninja!

To say i wasn't captivated by them would be a lie, they stood there all stances in determined and proud poses. Their masks covering who they really were. It was quite exciting to see. A smile tugged on the sides of my mouth.

I stood there for a while not paying attention as to why the ninja were there in the first place, until i got bored and turned around to get back to my previous job before. I put on my headphones and turn on some music, letting it take me away.

After a couple of hours, being out and exploring, having something to eat, i decided to head over to the park nearest the apartment complex where me and my auntie and uncle were staying. The park wasn't crowded, but it wasn't empty either.

There were 2 people out walking thier dogs and a cute old couple huddled together by the lake feeding the ducks. However what made my anxiety peak, was the fact that there was a few teenagers there around my age playing football. Not that i was afraid.. of the ball... or.. them..

Nah. that's a lie, i was definitely scared. One thing about me, i love making new friends. I just can't seem to be able to talk to people.

I walked past them awkwardly, holding my breath before i felt a round ball impact the side of my hips.

I felt like i was gonna cry because i felt like i just embarrassed myself in-front of everyone at the park. Until i heard a riot of voices come over and say "Are you ok?" "I'm really sorry!"
"We're so so sorry!". It was the teenagers!

I stammered out a "I'm fine" as i felt my face go red from embarrassment, did i really just fucking stutter? What the fuck is wrong with me, i think i'm gonna die. Omg.. my tombstone is gonna say 'death from embarrassment' that's me.

When i took a good look at the group, they all were oddly enough wearing, colour coded outfits...

There were 5 guys and 2 girls there, one of them had weird spiky brown hair with tanned skin he wore a red jock style jacket with a white shirt underneath and black pants with red converse.

another had white buzzed at the sides hair and he was pale white, a bit like snow. He wore a white long sleeved top with white trainers and black pants.

Then there was a sorta buff guy with shaggy black hair, dark skin and he wore black cargo trouser with a brown shirt.

a guy with freckles and gingery brown hair and he wore a blue turtleneck and blue jeans. His skin was also pale but had little spots where there was pink, like blush?

Then the last guy, had also shaggy blonde hair but it curled at the ends, it hid his ears for some reason and his eyes were a vibrant green with little specks of red. He wore a green hoodie with a white shirt and blue jeans along with green converse.

The two girls there, one had black hair and tanned skin which complimented her turquoise attire, that was a turquoise tank top with a scarlet jacket over her shoulders along with baggy jeans.

The other girl had red hair, a bit gingery but on the red side, along with her orangey sorta attire, it was a amber dress and some white sandals.

They must've noticed my intense staring at their clothing as their apologies and words of affirmation that i was ok ceased to continue and it was now back to awkward silence. Lord if you're there, kill me now.

"I'm sorry! I was just zoning out! You guys are colour coded haha!., do you all match often..?" I say trying to hide the awkward tension i felt.

They all just blankly stared at each-other for a moment until they nervously laughed and walked away.






"COLOUR CODED OUTFITS? DO YOU DO THIS OFTEN? HOW MUCH OF A LOSER CAN YOU SEEM WITHOUT TRYING TO LOOK LIKE ONE!" I say to myself as i walk down the street, kicking myself about my choice of words from earlier, hiding my face into my hands feeling defeated.

My thoughts were interrupted as i'd realised, i'd been walking down the wrong way and now i ended up in-front of a small cafe. It was sorta cute and gave off a lovely coffee and bakery smell, like a Starbucks or costa.

I decided to make my way into the cafe and have a look around, maybe even get some treats and a drink with my remaining allowance.

I went up to the counter and ordered f/d and my f/p (favourite pastry, sorry if you don't like pastries). Paying at the till, before walking away to a table.

Everything in here felt peaceful and calm, plus it wasn't too busy. I felt relaxed and my embarrassed mind about what happened earlier cleared. Until i heard a snicker come from the table behind me, which i turned my head curiously and oh my fucking god. No.

To be or not to be? Lloyd x fem!Reader//NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now