16: Bad boy behaivour

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I began to walk away from the boy. Irritated from his childish antics. The leader of the ninja. A well known team of heroes and they act like total and complete douchebags. Except nya and pix.. sometimes. Anyways!

'Who does he think he is? Mr big shot. I'll have him know that i could take him down.. if i wanted too' I thought to myself, a sour look plastered on it. I looked pissed and also disgusted. Pisgusted?

"What a wimp. Backing down like that, personally i would never" Lloyd said catching up, a smirk embedded and etched onto his soft face. I gritted my teeth as i said "Don't you have anything else better to do? Can't you go like.. Train?". "Hmmm nahh, I'll just do it when i get back. Other than that, you're kinda my priority right now soo~" He replied back teasingly, pinching my right cheek and pulling it a bit gently.

"Oww. That hurts" I said plainly to which he scoffed "Stop being such a baby Y/n". Lloyd then rolled his eyes and folded his arms over eachother. "ME?! You're WAYYY more of a baby than all of the team put together" I argued , i wasn't gonna let some snotty nosed brat get the better of me. Especially a booger looking one.

He then put his hand infront of my face and said "Talk to the hand cause the face ain't listening". What. The. Front-door. I bursted out laughing and turned away. "What's so funny!" He said as his face turned to a deep shade of red. How'd he not realise how embarrassing he sounded. The confidence he had!!. "I hate you so much right now" Lloyd said turning away, which i quickly grabbed onto him still laughing as i wheezed out"Nooo pleaseee, I'm hahaha, I'm so ahhaa sorry".

It took me around a minute or two to get him to talk again. During that time, he just pouted and his cheeks were a rosey red. Not due to the cold night. Just the fact he embarrassed himself.

"Sorry pookums" I said to him teasingly. He scrunched his nose at the nickname "Pookums?! What sorta nickname is that!". "Uhh a very cute one duhh" I said rolling my eyes at him. "No it's not though.." He replied back deadpanned.

After going back and forth, we'd managed to walk really far away from the village to where it was merely a shadow from the moons light. I yawned feeling the awakening tiredness grow on me. "You're seriously tired?" Lloyd said looking wide awake, like a toddler full of energy. "Yeah duhh, I'm not trained to be a night owl like you" I said chuckling tiredly. "Night owl?.. Gonna add this to the nicknames checklist too" He replied with a short laugh.

I'd interlinked our arms together and rested my head against his shoulder. It made him flinch at the sudden affection but he didn't to let go. "I'll take you home" He whispered as he spawned his dragon. "Hop on" He said to me as i already began to climb onto the dragons back. "I've got it!" I said a rush of excitement coursing through.

"You've got what?" Lloyd asked raising a brow whilst he climbed on too. "A name!" I said happily cheering. Once Lloyd got on, he said "Ok hit me with it". "Verve" I said happily. Lloyd paused for a moment , which he was unsure as to why his soulmate just chose the most out of box name ever, before saying "What". "It's like another way of saying energy" I explained with a nervous smile.

"Y/N... I.. *sigh* sure. Why not?" He said defeatedly as he turned back around and soon we were back in the night sky, soaring through it like a ripple in a calm lake. Every-time i breathed, a little fog escaped and fluttered away before disappearing. How wondrous, how wonderful. "Thank you" I whispered out to Lloyd, as i wrapped my arms around his torso to keep me from going anywhere.

Y/N couldn't see Lloyds face, but it she knew that he was happy and smiling. Something Lloyd hadn't managed to do for a long while.

However their happy time had to come to an end as the city lights increased which caused the girl to open her eyes.

"We're here already?" I asked rubbing one of my eyes. Lloyd replied in a gloomy way and said "I guess so.". This would've been the most perfect time to tease him but.. a part of me didn't want to. I felt the exact same way. A goodbye that i wish wasn't true. When would i see him next? He's always so busy. What about me? Will he forget about me now? What's next for us.. does he.. like me?

We made a soft landing ontop of my apartment complex, the cold wind grazing across our skins and Verve vanishing, leaving traces of all shades of green behind in a cloud which evaporated not too long afterwards.

I held my arms of my zip-up hoodie, in hopes that i'd feel some more warmth. I didn't yet dare move, neither did Lloyd. We both kinda stood there, waiting for one another to say the first word.

The billboard lights and the sounds of cars beeping and brakes stopping at lights were bared under deaf ears as there it seemed we could only hear one another's heart beating rapidly.

Could he see through me? Could he see that i didn't want him to leave. To not go.?

Finally, the seconds that we waited felt like hours and Lloyd finally spoke up, coughing before saying "I had fun tonight" He smiled at me softly. Which made me buckle a bit and smile back at him dreamily. "I had fun too Lloyd".

He hesitated a bit before walking closer to me, none of his steps heard. It was like he walked on air. Before i knew it, there he stood, inches away from me. I could feel the radiation of heat between us. Once again silence, yet it wasn't awkward. It was more comforting than anything. It felt as though a million things were being said all at once and it all felt good.

Slowly, Lloyd brought up his hand to caress my cheek, stroking his thumb softly over it too then to my lips which he did the same thing. His eyes became half lidded as did mine and our heads leaning in closer and closer. Our breathes colliding.

Then.. pure bliss. His soft lips touched mine, gentle as to not hurt me in anyway. I could feel his heart beating as we're now hugging. Maybe he could hear and feel mine too. We then pulled away, a smile on both our faces as i let out a soft giggle and looked away from him for a moment. A blush formed on his cheeks. "Y/n.. I.. I really like you.. and, even though i don't know you all too well.. I really wanna try. Even if it seems crazy. My life's also kinds crazy. Which now seems really cringey to say but.. yknow you get it" Lloyd said as he nervously scratched the back of his head with a smirk.

"I'd love to Lloyd." I chuckled and kissed his cheek softly which made me melt into a long but exhilarating hug.

When Lloyd finally left on his dragon, i felt contempt. No more worries or thoughts clouded my headspace. And luckily i'd gotten his phone number so that i could text the guy whenever i needed him or wanted to see him. He made sure to name himself "Pookie bear<3" .

"Some boyfriend i have" I giggled to myself.

To be or not to be? Lloyd x fem!Reader//NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now