Chapter 5: Believe me or believe me not.

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I went inside, feeling a little hesitant at-first.As i'd fully went inside. I heard the commissioner slam the door behind me. I walked towards a light in the room, Which showed a table and a single empty chair.

I slowly walked over to it and sat down, looking around and fidgeting my hands, twiddling my thumbs under the table. My mind once again racing with questions, waiting for their answers and some crazy scenarios that could happen in the short time i'd be here. 'Why am i thinking of myself? I should be thinking of A/N and U/N.. They're the most important to me right now.' I thought to myself.

Suddenly a different door opened to the room i was in. I heard slow footsteps come towards the table, my heart raced and pounded against my chest. 'Who was it? Was it the person who followed me? Oh no.. if so.. did they.. did they put me here to die!'. My breathing quickened and my eyes dilated. I closed them and kept my head down. Chocking from my own fear and the tears which were trying their best to escape my eyes.

'I'm so terrified right now.. why.. I wish i never moved here. I wish i was with my mum and dad and siblings..'

A cough came from the person which caused my head to shoot upwards to look at the person..


No.. persons?

Wait a minute..

"What the.." I whispered so that only myself could hear.

A group of.. people.. were stood in front of me. But not just any people, the ninja themselves!

'Oh my god why was i crying? I'm actually gonna throw up, i look ugly when i'm near to crying. Nah. Why is this my life. Why is it just an embarrassment.' I mentally facepalmed myself, feeling a wave of cringe drench me.

The green ninja stepped forward first, right in-front of me at the table, the rest of the group close behind, but barely visible in the light. Their masks casted a shadow over their eyes which made it look kinda creepy..

"Hello miss y/n, I hear from the commissioner that you're currently under some stress due to the fact your relatives have went missing and you were being followed, yes?" The green one spoke formally and sorta comforting.

I responded by nodding my head as i said "Yes, that's- that's correct.". I really wish i wasn't like this sometimes.

The green one nodded his head before asking me more questions.
Green ninja:

"Do you happen to know anyone who would follow you?"

"No..I. i don't i've only just recently moved here from a village quite far from ninjago city."

Green ninja:
"Do you know when your auntie and uncle went missing?"

"No.. i was out most of the day looking around the city"

Green ninja:
"Have you heard of the recent criminal organisation that has sprung up to be quite the fame recently?"

"Yes, my friend told me to check the news a few hours ago."

Green ninja:
"Do you have any ties to them?"

"What? Uhh no."

These questions kept coming and coming, each time i answered, i answered with honestly or as best as i could. Until eventually the rest of thier group joined in until they went out the room.

I sat there and waited. My knee bounced as i tried to take my mind off of a-lot of things, everything felt like it was going so fast. It sort of scared me.

To be or not to be? Lloyd x fem!Reader//NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now