Chapter 10: "Hate me? Love you."

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I watched him quickly walk away. The moment gone, any sort of hope i had. Gone. It was as if someone had put the weight of a thousand suns on me.

Was i not good enough for him? Was i not what he was expecting. I know i wasn't expecting him but... Am i.. that bad? Was my venting too much. Was this too fast.

A million thoughts raced about as i tried to come up with excuses and scenarios as to why he gave me such a look of pure disgust. Of discontent. Uncomfortable. Everything. Like i was the 1 person he hated with his whole heart. A part of me felt angry and upset, the other part of me was disappointed that i'd been like who i was. To be honest, who could blame lloyd. We barely knew one another, we couldn't have connected there and then. I'm not what he's looking for. I can't fit into his world. He can't fit into mine. We're just too different. He's a ninja. I'm just an ordinary person. I'm boring, plain, basic. I'm nothing exciting. Whereas he, he gets it all, the fame, the money, the adventure. Everything i've been searching for.

A few days went by, still the ninja were patrolling and searching for what happened so far... no leads.Lloyd did his very best to avoid me, even at dinner! It was as if my mere existence made him want to puke. Anyways, they kept saying it was if my aunt and uncle vanished even though loads of people knew thier name. I confided in my 1 friend there, Jiya. She cared enough for this, i'm glad she was there for me, so i decided to go meet up with her, it was almost the start of the half term and i was planning on telling the ninja about me wanting to go back to my aunts and uncles apartment. Even though that was probably not for the best, what more can you do. I might aswell accept the fact they're gone. They've left me to rot.

It was a sunday and the weather forecast said it'd be cloudy. Which it was sorta cloudy but it had a bit of sun shine through every now and then. Par staying with the ninja, i'd been given some clothes they'd taken from my apartment so that i wouldn't be wearing the same pair for.. well until my aunt and uncle were found.
I didn't have to tell my parents about what happened because the news already got wind and soon the whole of ninjago knew about my aunts and uncles disappearance. My parents offered to take me back home however the ninja advised against it due to the fact it could've been 'dangerous'. But anyways!

I sat on a bench in the park, it wasn't that busy but there was quiet a few people there, much like the day i met lloyd and the gang. Where i totally embarrassed myself. Every-time i see a park i get ptsd. Me and Jiya agreed to meet here for 1:30 and it's currently 1:45. I knew she could be late but damn. I've been waiting here for 25 minutes. I guess my thoughts must've reached her because a message popped up on my phone from her

"I'm so so sorry, i can't come today anymore. I know it's late but i've just been told that I'm being sent to a boarding school in stiix. I'm so sorry Y/N.. I really am."

Another person leaving. I sighed as i tried my best to bring out the positive.

"No no! It's fine! I'm happy for you, but you could've told me sooner ji, then i wouldn't have waited here for 70+ years😒"

Her response came back with loads of apologies still and the promise that we'd definitely hang out another time along with a joke that made me giggle a bit.

Now that Jiya wasn't coming, there wasn't a need for me to be in the park anymore. So i decided to make my way over to a cafe to sit. More specifically the old cafe where i met lloyd properly.

Out-front it had a "to hire" sign. Intrigued i went over to the server as i told her i wanted to see if i could put in an application and when it was due for and how long it'd be up for. She smiled and said that it'd be up until they'd found someone to hire which was probably a while as not many people knew about this place.

To be or not to be? Lloyd x fem!Reader//NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now