18:Starting to pile

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"y/n? y/n? what's wrong" my friend asked me waving thier hand across my face to get my attention.

"I- uhm. Sorry! I just got a few notifications from Lloyd, uhm i know you're here with me and all
but if something comes up.. I- I'm sorry-" before i could finish my scentence f/n stops me and says

"Y/n. I'm your friend. Look, i know you're a deluded individual. But i love you with my whole heart. You mean everything to me. So, if anything i'll always be here for you. Just like you were for me" They gave me a sincere look, a warm look. Like they truly understand everything. God aren't i lucky to have f/n.

I hug them tightly, as we stand together opening my phone, before looking at the chat. I looked at f/n and they nodded thier head gesturing me to go for it and that it'd be alright. So with a breath i opened the chat..

*Greenie-bikini: Y/n? -sent at 15:56
Y/n? You there?-sent at 16:01
Nvm. I'm coming over, see you in 5 x. -sent at 16:02

seen at 16:06*

'shit.. is he mad?' I think to myself, as haunting thoughts begun to suppress my thoughts. "Should i be here incase or? Do you want me to go?" F/n said as they begun to get on thier shoes.

"no! please don't leave.." I said in a panick which immediately makes them rush over and say "ok ok i won't leave.. y/n take a breather. It's lloyd! You should be happy- wait a minute. How the fuck is he getting here so fast-" "don't ask questions.. you don't wanna know the answer" I respond quickly.

"Righttt.. ahem. Anyways just chillax." f/n said patting my back softly as i realise how shakey i was. "Cmon y/n sit down" They continue in a comforting way, like a mother and a child. They sit me down on the couch as we wait patiently for lloyds arrival which should be.. now.

**Knock knock**

"I'll answer it, you wait here" f/n says getting up with a smile and walking over slowly towards the door. Before looking through the peephole, her face goes pale as i hear her murmer "what the fuck.. that's not lloyd.." My eyes widen before a sudden bang echoes through the room, which makes f/n run towards me as she says "Let's go! I AM NOT staying for all this!!"

Adrenaline pumped through me at 2000 miles per hour as we both sprinted towards my bathroom, locking the door and breathing heavily as I climbed up the toilet, unlocking the window and opening it wide enough for us to escape. However, living in an apartment didn't have its perks..

"shit.. if we jump we might not be able to reach the rails, or worse we could hit them and the force could break our legs.." F/n said as our heads poked out the window staring down.

*CRASH* boomed through the apartment and that's when we both realised the trouble we were in.. it was now or never.

"F/n i know this is cliche and from a disney film but do you trust me?" I say to them as we look at each other. "If it gets us out of this mess then.. YES!".

"Good." I say grabbing thier hand before swiftly jumping out the window with them, as i pray for our safety. We both began to scream out, forgetting that there's someone following us, but luckily a green glow engulfed our vision to them a feeling of scales and a saddle touched our skin.

"Lloyd!" I cried out happily smiling and sighing in relief. However Lloyd didn't share back the same smile, he just continued riding on, not looking back at me or f/n. "uhh rude" f/n said. However the man stayed as silent as a rock.

Then the feeling came back.. the gut feeling. I guess f/n could sense the awkwardness in the air and my sudden change in mood, which clearly was evident on my face. However no words were spoken at all during the ride.




Landing in the monastery's courtyard, the dragon dissolved after we all got off and Lloyd walked away in a bit of a huff. My shame turned into anger real quick, which made me walk after him and kinda ignore misako's aid kit and before she could speak to me at all.

"Lloyd what's wrong?.. Did i do something?.." I say following behind him speedwalking. However he still said nothing back.

"Lloyd." I say irritated. Clenching my fists and my breath also huffing.

"Lloyd for fuck sake stop acting like a child and look at me!" I yell. Which makes him stop and finally turn around. That's when i regretted even raising my voice.

Salty tears streamed down his face, and an angry but embarrassed look was all over his face. I felt terrible in that moment and the words seemed caught in my throat, but i didn't even have to say anything because it was his turn to speak. "I'm not trying.. to sound controlling but.. I wish you picked up.. I-.. I just can't see you get hurt y/n a-and then you and f/n jump out a window?! Are you insane?! If i wasn't on my way. You could've died."

I stood there looking at him a bit unsure of what to say but with a guilty look on my face, out of nerves, i fidgeted with my fingers. A force of habit.

"I-i'm sorry.. i just- I.. I wasn't thinking.. I was scared" I respond. To which he seemed to think for a moment before sighing and walking towards me and then embracing me. "No.. I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you.. I lashed out because i was worried when i should've kept my cool.. y/n you just did what you could and.. i'm proud of you for that."

I hugged him back a bit tighter as i nuzzled my face into his chest, breathing in his scent as my hands caress his back, i can feel him hiccuping from crying. To which i softly shush him and hold onto him tightly.

What we didn't notice was the others watching from not too far, with a soft smile on their faces. The silence and the moment was all the worth until f/n said

"Ok can you two kiss already? I'm kinda waiting for the story to develop guys.."

To be or not to be? Lloyd x fem!Reader//NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now