Chapter 33: Monday Night Raw

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Cody asked Brittney if she would like to travel with him and they could visit his house because he needed to grab some more clothes. She agreed, and they visited the kids before they flew out. This time, they left Friday instead of Sunday.

They flew to California for the show and went around town. She loved getting to visit the sites; when she traveled with Jordan, they didn't really get a chance to get out. 

They met up with some of his friends from work, and they all went out. Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase, Rey Mysterio, Michelle, Nikki, and Bree.  

"Well, who is this beautiful woman, Cody?" Randy asked.

"This is my girlfriend, Brittney." 

"So, she really does exist. She looks much prettier in person than in the picture you showed us. Sweetheart, that picture did you no justice. What are you doing with this loser, the Dashing Cody Rhodes?" Ted asked.

"Thank you very much for the compliment. Because I happen to love Cody very much, and I agree he is very dashing and handsome." 

Cody leaned in and kissed her, "Thanks, babe." She smiled. 

"So, is it true that you left your husband for Cody?" Bree asked.

"Bree, that's not what I said."

"No, I didn't leave my husband for Cody. We were already separated while he was on tour. I left him after he cheated on me. Cody was already a friend, and after about six months, Cody called and came to Boston; we have been together since then."

"So, your ex-husband is a musician, is that right?" Rey asked.

"Yes, he is a member of the eighties band The New Kids on the Block."

"Oh, really, I have heard of them. Which one was your husband? Let me guess, Joey?" Nikki asked.

"No, Jordan."

"Oh, wow, he is so hot. Good for you. I'm glad you left him if he cheated on you. Now, you have kids, correct?" Michelle asked. 

"Yes, I have three kids with Jordan. Nathaniel is five, Jayden is four, and my little princess, Natalie, is three."

"Wow, he kept you pregnant; I can't say I blame him. Now we all understand why Cody is always so happy when he comes back after visiting you." Ted said.

"Shut up, Ted, don't be rude."

"It was a compliment; she is fine," Ted said defensively.

"It's fine, babe."

"Okay, guys, different subject, please."

"We are just trying to get to know your girlfriend. By the way, he adores your children. He is always talking about them and showing us pictures of them," Randy said.

"Well, that's good because they adore him also. Their dad is actually off tour right now, at least for the next month, I think, so that is why I was able to join Cody. Normally, I am at home taking care of my kids." 

 "So, you just finalized your divorce. Did you take him for everything he had?" Ted asked.

"Yes, three days ago. No, Jordan and I came to an agreement. I only wanted Child support and Spousal support. Instead, he reimbursed me for everything I spent when I left and paid me the agreed amount from the time I left him nine months previous. I got or will get a lump sum payment of half of his net worth. I didn't marry him for his money or because he was famous, and I don't feel right getting that money."

"No, girl, he cheated on you; you deserve every bit you got and more. So, are you now richer than Cody?" Michelle stated as she smiled.

"Um, I don't know. Cody and I don't really discuss our finances. He knows what the divorce settlement was because he was in the courtroom, but I don't know how much he has."

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