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- Harriet' s POV-


I breathed out a huge, deep breath. Looking down, I almost thought of backing out. The height of the place where I was currently standing made me swallow nervously. I was starting to feel anxious, really.

What satanic force has possessed me to do this in the first place?

I couldn't exactly remember, and even if I did, would that even change anything?

Definitely not.

"Hoy! Harriet Averill Abbott. Nasisiraan ka na ba ng bait? Anu sa tingin mo ginagawa mo dyan sa taas? Get your freaking butt down here before I do it myself!"

Celeste Alaina Farrell, aka Queen Celeste, as she preferred to be called, slash my super conceited cousin, who owns a very huge satanic mouth, was already yelling maniacally down there with the rest of the school's bodies, who were really just trying to gossip and make fun of the stupid thing I was doing at the moment.

Some of them were already pulling out their own devices, trying to be discreet, to capture this most ridiculous moment of the century for their own entertainment.

They think it makes them cool, but that only proves they're a bunch of idiots. They are so annoying.

Would it make them any better if, for once, they tried to pretend that they actually care instead of making fun of other people's suffering?

I doubt that.

I ignore Celeste's threatening words; instead, I scoff arrogantly and hold my face up, my chin tilting upward and my eyes focused in front, wherein I can't see their annoying faces nor Celeste's scowling ones.

"This will be the end," I say in a whisper. "I love you, mom. You too, sis, even though you are such a brat sometimes. I'm going to miss you both. And Kenzie, my oh- so-innocent best friend who loves food more than her own bestfriend, I hope you do great with whatever you want to accomplish in your oh-so-boring life. Okay, I think I'm also going to miss you, my huge mouth cousin. You're also a brat, but I still love you. Of course, I will never forget the most beautiful goddess I've ever seen in my entire life, whom I really love the most. Please don't forget about this lovely charming idiot who is madly in love with you." I rambled to no one, slowly shutting my eyes close.

A pregnant, dramatic silence follows. Nothing but a symphonized gasp of horror could be heard.


"I swear to God, Harriet Averill Abbott, if you don't stop whatever stupid crap you're doing, I'm going to punch your face and beat your ass until you can't walk anymore! "

Hearing that all-too-familiar voice, I swiftly opened my eyes in panic. As if my eyes have their own minds, my gaze instantly searches for the owner of the voice until it finally lands on her.

Nakatayo siya dun. Amongst the crowd of annoying students below. Despite the crowd looming over her petite form, her unique beauty still stood out the most, and I couldn't help but be mesmerized.

Lord, swerte naman ng magiging asawa nito oh. Bigay mo na kaya sakin?

Until I noticed those infamous glares shooting my way, trying to dig a hole in my skull, and I couldn't help but gulp.

Gosh, bakit ang ganda parin kahit nakakamatay na yung tingin? Ang unfair mo talaga Lord may peyboritism ka pa ah.

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