Chapter 24

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- Scarlet's POV-


Loud music, noises, and indistinct chatter can be heard inside the venue. Students, faculty, and visitors started to fill the place wearing their formal attire.

As I walked down the aisles, donned in a Burgundy Red Elegant Evening Dress, everyone's eyes were immediately glued to me.

I was suddenly put in the spotlight.

On any other occasion, I might get uncomfortable because I really feel like I don't deserve the gaze of admiration that everyone is currently giving me.

But at that moment, my attention was not on the people looking at me like I'm a popular celebrity, but on a certain someone who promised to be my date for the night.

Where is she, by the way?

"Hi, Scarlet," a guy with a dark charcoal suit approached me as he cautiously flashed a smile.

"Nicholas, hi." I acknowledge his presence a little bit curtly. I was not mad at him anymore, but that doesn't mean that I have forgotten what he and his friend did the other day.

"Uhm," he said, scratching his nape as he timidly stood there. "You... you look gorgeous tonight."

"Thanks," I said with a small smile. "You look dashing yourself."

"Thank you," was his quick reply as he averted his gaze, roaming it around the venue.

"So, uhm, where's your date?" he asks afterward as he looks back at me.

"They're on their way here."

That's a 100 percent lie. That woman hasn't even replied to my text!

He nodded his head as he put his hand inside the pocket of his trousers.

"I see. So, uh, if you don't mind and if it is okay with you, can I invite you to have a dance with me while waiting for your date?" he asked.

I wasn't able to answer him at first because I was a bit hesitant. One is the fact that I have vowed not to associate myself with him anymore, so if I accept his invitation, it only means that I have already broken my own vows. Second, if I went to the dance floor with him, I might miss Harriet's entrance when she entered the venue.

At the same time, it makes me feel guilty for rejecting him. Despite what happened, Nicho has been a nice guy to me, minus the part wherein he sided with his friend's wrongdoing. If the issue hadn't happened, I might have considered him one of the few guys that I let myself be close with.

But I do know that humans are not perfect, and we do make mistakes. It's one of our flaws.

Kung ang panginoon kaya magpatawad, tao pa kaya?
I decided to give him a chance, just for this night. I'm still kind of uncomfortable with the thought of being close with him after what his friend did to Harriet.

I took a careful, deep breath as I tried to smile back at him.


The party continues, as do the program and activities. Until a second, minute, and hour passed, and it's already 12 at midnight. Almost all of the students are gradually leaving the venue.

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