Chapter 21

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- Scarlet's POV -


Of all the places and things that I have predicted Harriet will be doing, it never occurred to me that I'd find her standing at the edge of one of the school buildings' rooftops.

Can you imagine my fear when I thought that she'd jump off and end her life right there? I almost did the impossible and ran up the stairs just so I could go near her to stop whatever crap she was doing. Because what got into her head to do those stupid things?

If it is because of what Lloyd told her, I swear I won't forgive myself for causing that to happen to her.

So when I get in there together with the rest of usiseros, I just do what I think is best to stop her.

"I swear to God, Harriet Averill Abbott, if you don't stop whatever stupid crap you're doing, I'm going to punch your face and beat your ass until you can't walk anymore!"

I screamed at the top of my lungs, which immediately caught her attention. I notice how those beautiful almond-shaped eyes swiftly opened in panic. Her gaze instantly became watchful as she searched in the crowd until it finally landed in my direction.

I don't know what exactly happened, but she seemed to be a little bit frozen on her spot when she figured out that it was me who was the owner of that voice. Nakatayo lang siya dun habang may munting ngiti sa kanyang labi.

Nababaliw na naman ata 'to.

I shoot her a glare, which makes her snap out of whatever magic has captured her.



The chorus of the usiseros echoed na nagpa-ikot ng kanyang mga mata.

Her posture became too defensive. At some point, it makes me scared when she suddenly steps on the very edge of the railings.

"That's my pet name for her, geez!" She yelled out at the crowds below, which received a synchronized and loud 'ahh' in return.

I don't know why these people were so invested in school dramas. Parang pumapasok lang sila sa school para maki-chismis at magpakalat ng kung anu-anong fake rumors at issues sa kapwa nila.

Mind you, it's not only with their co-students; sometimes professors and even other campus staff were getting involved.

I breathed out a sigh. There was so much going on today, and I felt kind of exhausted. But before anything else, I need to make sure Harriet is off that goddamn rooftop before she does something that is going to put her life in danger.

"Okay, that's enough!" I said in a loud voice.

Heads turned, and all eyes were now focused on me. The sudden attention makes me a little bit uncomfortable, but I just pretended I was not affected by it as I kept my usual poker face on display.


I pointed a finger at her, which made her unconsciously step back. I didn't notice it before, but it just occurred to me how much power I have over this woman. And there might be something in the back of my mind that makes me feel conceited about it.

"Get back down right here, right now, and when I say right now, I'm talking about this exact minute. I'm only giving you—"

Hindi siya umimik sa una at nanatili lang itong nakatingin sa akin mula sa pwesto niya. Kaya naman dala na irn siguro ng inis ay sinubukan ko ulit na tawagin ang atensyon nito.

"Harriet Averill—!"

"Ito na Mahal, bababa na po."

Buti naman at sa pangalawang warning ko ay sumunod na rin siya. Mabilis itong umatras at tumalikod. Ilang segundo lang ay nawala na ito sa paningin namin lahat.

I think it only took 2 or 3 minutes before I saw her emerge from one of the buildings.

Nakita kong sinalubong ito ni Celeste mula sa bukana, at parang may sinabi ito na hindi nagustuhan ng isa, kaya sinamaan niya ng tingin ang pinsan.

Malakas na tawa lang ang naging sagot ng huli sa naging reaksiyon ng una.

After their brief interaction, tumalikod na ito mula sa pinsan at humahangos na tumakbo palapit sa kinaroroonan ko.

Napangiti pa ito ng alanganin nung magtama ang mga mata namin.

"Last mo na yan, Abbott sa susunod na gumawa ka pa ulit ng kalokohan ako na mismo maghuhulog sa'yo mula sa rooftop na'yan," I told her. May binulong pa siya na hindi ko masyadong naintindihan.

"May sinasabi ka?"

Nakataas kilay na tanong ko dito nito kaya bigla niyang natutop yung sariling bibig.

She was actually cute when she did that, but I'm kind of still mad at her right now for doing that stunt earlier, so I'm going to try to pretend that it did not affect me as much, even though I know that it was the opposite.

Napangiti ito ng alanganin sa akin. "Wa-wala po, mahal."

I rolled my eyes but didn't utter a word. Instead, I turned on my heels and was about to walk away until something just popped up inside my head, which made me stop.

My heart just automatically beats rapidly.

It just occurred to me why I was so worried earlier when I found out what Nicho and his friend told Harriet, and those feelings just doubled up when I saw her standing at the edge of the rooftop, like she's going to jump at that place any minute.

I was so worried because I was scared. I was scared that the only person who had opened up a new light in my boring life was going to be taken away from me. I was scared at the thought that, in just a blink of an eye, because of fake rumors, I would lose that precious soul forever.

I just now realized that it could be her.

That someone.

Harriet could possibly be that someone.

My smile broadened with the realization. I was so preoccupied with the new ineffable feelings I was experiencing inside that I hadn't even noticed I had already spoken out loud what was on my mind.

"You're such a jerk. Pasalamat ka lang din, gusto kita kung hindi baka guidance office ang naging bagsak mo."

It was too late to take it back, was it? I don't know if she heard it or not. But I wouldn't mind at all if she did. I feel it in my gut that things might be going to be different from this day on. As my feelings are slowly becoming clear to me now, I'm going to take my time to slowly explore them, which may include spending more time with her.

And maybe, just maybe, faith is going to do its magic, and unsaid feelings are going to blossom soon.

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