Chapter 2

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Clarke's POV 

2:30PM, okay, now take another breath and let's go. The place was known, it was a cafe in the city center, the Grounders. Rather rustic and dark, probably the preferred establishment for such, ahem, activities. 

I checked my pantsuit one last time, after all, after such a disastrous first impression, I wanted to at least appear as if such a thing was an exception. She didn't need to know that this was only partly true.

Since I arrived a few minutes early at the meeting, I already sat down at the table and ordered myself a coffee. That might not have been the best idea, considering how nervous I was anyway. With a probably pretty scared looking expression on my face I watched the people coming in, no one seemed like a Lexa and what exactly I was afraid of I didn't know either, after all I wasn't doing anything illegal here even if it felt like it.

I looked at the clock, I had a few minutes left to pump myself up with adrenaline as much as possible and make it so that I would pass out soon. Not for a second could I keep my legs still and suddenly someone was standing next to me.

"Clarke Griffin?"

Surprised, I looked up and froze. I was looking directly into the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen. My throat went dry and no words came out. I couldn't take my eyes off her, I was too captivated by that green. What she was wearing or what else she looked like, I don't know. But those eyes I could reproduce in minute detail and even draw. 

"Are you Clarke Griffin?"

"Um, yeah, that's me. Lexa?"

She nodded and sat down directly across from me after holding out her hand. "Aren't we going to be on a first name basis? It makes it easier."

I just nodded, unable to actually use words, and now looked at her more closely. Like me, she was wearing a pantsuit, black slacks and blazer, paired with a salmon colored top. This woman had style. If she came to an ordinary meeting like that, what did she look like when she got dressed up? While I tried to stifle a drool, she was professionalism personified. Dam it! How could a person, have such charisma?

"So, I'd say you tell me a little more about the job before I go over all the business with you. This includes several conditions, including the confidentiality clause, everything financial and what's included in, I'll call it, the package. Is that okay?" She raised an eyebrow questioningly and I tried to scrape together the last bit of my sanity to come up with a reasonable, or at least logical, answer.

"I think so. Before that, though, I have one more question." I tapped my shoulder, impressed with myself, in spirit of course. Hopefully. 

She just nodded, so I kept talking. "How did you know it was me? I never described myself to you..."

She smiled slightly and I had to concentrate to really listen and not get lost in my thoughts or those eyes. Maybe I should finally stop gushing about them? Maybe, just maybe, I couldn't....

"I'm a regular at Grounders and I usually know all the people here. Besides, you were the only one who seemed very nervous and lost. It's part of my job to pay attention to everything, after all, I want the customer or client to feel comfortable."

I nodded and she looked at me questioningly. "Okay, I guess it's my turn then. I've never done anything like this before and for the very embarrassing and rather alcoholic message I would like to apologize. I guess the whole issue is bothering me more than I thought. At least the mail made some sense. To be honest, that almost amazes me the most." Deft as I was, I waved my hands around, caught the coffee cup, and I was doused all over with coffee. My dark blue suit and also my white blouse had caught it fully and my face, well, that didn't quite match the outfit with the red coloring in it anymore. Hastily I stammered an apology, but Lexa just grinned, took me by the hand and led me to the women's washroom. 

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