Chapter 26

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Lexa's POV

I felt the blow against my head, the falling and the impact, but my only thought was for Clarke. Was she all right? Was Bellamy leaving her alone? Had he tried anything else? After that, everything was black and I was enveloped in a thick fog.

Spasmodically I tried to grasp a tangible thought, but the more I tried, the harder I tried, the more blurred everything became. I could no longer remember anything. What had happened? Why was everything throbbing and felt so dull? Voices in the far distance and me in the middle of it, with no idea what was going on. It was exasperating, everything was spinning, speeding up until there was only darkness, which was forming more and more into a dream and I saw two people in front of me. A dark haired man who looked very, very angry and next to him a blonde woman who looked like an angel. I saw myself standing in front of them before the unknown man hit me. Who were these two? And what did I have to do with them? Did I know them? And why was I protecting the blonde?

Questions over questions that I could not explain to myself and I was somehow in the middle of it, while I felt as if I had been infused with drugs without my will, which now triggered quite strong side effects.

Through the thicket of my thoughts I felt a weight. It could be a hand that enclosed mine and a voice that I could not place. This did not change when I awoke.

I opened my eyes and at first understood nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. Next to my bed she sat. The woman from my dream, only this time in real. How could someone like her be real? How was that possible?

And then she began to speak, telling me all the things I seemed to have forgotten. How could what she was telling me be true? I wanted to believe her, really, wanted everything she told me to be true, and yet there was a little voice inside me that needed confirmation from someone I knew and trusted. That's where Anya came in.

She hugged Clarke as if they had known each other forever and I saw that familiarity. So there had to be at least some truth behind Clarke's words, because my sister would never go along with such a lie, I knew that. What reason would she have had to do so, after all, we only had each other.

And Clarke? She knew me so well that she knew I needed some distance and peace now to discuss everything with Anya. I watched this stunning woman disappear out the door, when my sister stepped into my field of vision and looked at me questioningly. "Okay, what's the problem, and don't try to lie to me, memory loss or not. And what was that about Clarke? When did you guys stop sticking together?" She looked me in the eye and seemed to recognize something in it. "Don't tell me now that you've forgotten about HER? Her of all people?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Oh man, now I understand why she was looking at me like that earlier. You're really useless sometimes and too stupid for anything at all. You and Raven really rival each other there."

I lifted one corner of my mouth with a grin. "So Raven, yeah..."

"Stop it. You're trying to deflect right now, and don't think I don't know that. Yeah, Raven is my, um, that's really hard to pronounce, my girlfriend." She blushed as she spoke and I realized how much Raven actually meant to her. My big, tough sister who never let anyone get close to her was in love. This could be something.

"Oh my gosh. You're so head over heels in love with her it almost hurts. Put your heart eyes away again before I get sick." I laughed and Anya rolled her eyes.

"Just shut up and ask me what you want to know already. Because that's what this is all about, isn't it?" She looked at me sternly from the chair she was sitting in by now, but I knew it was just a ploy to keep from being too vulnerable. The desire to meet Raven grew immeasurably. The woman who had managed to crack my sister.

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