Chapter 31

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Bellamy's POV

"Are you actually stupid Bell? What were you thinking? Do you know how she is?" Octavia stood in front of me gesticulating wildly and looked as if she was about to punch me, while she walked up and down like a fury in my apartment. For safety's sake, I kept my distance, but rolled my eyes anyway. After all, I was her big brother and would certainly not kowtow to her. Everything had its limits!

"How am I supposed to know?" I shrugged my shoulders and just assumed that everything would be fine, I mean, why wouldn't it? But as usual, O' exaggerated without measure. You could almost think I was a felon and that was because of ONE punch and it wasn't even particularly strong.

Luckily she didn't know that I had spied on them and stalked them. She would only make more drama out of it and make the whole thing much more than it was actually necessary. It's all half-assed, or in her case, just completely overblown.

"So to sum it up simply, you shit your pants and took off like the biggest coward running around? On top of that, you jeopardized your job and risked going to jail. Or have I forgotten something else?!" Hastily I shook my head, because I saw exactly that her anger, probably against me, was growing with every minute and it could stretch to infinity. If someone could kill with looks, it would definitely be Octavia, and right now she was glaring at me so angrily that for a second I thought of converting to a religion. To which one would not matter, the main thing would be a god who would not let me die.

I took a few deep breaths in and out, hoping to calm myself in this way. It wouldn't do any good if I got upset too, we had already had that a few times and usually it was only worse afterwards. I didn't want this conversation to end in complete disaster.

"Something like that, yes." After her summary, I realized that she was absolutely right. I was afraid. Afraid of losing my job or even having to explain myself to anyone at all. I had to do that now, but at least only in front of my sister. In front of a judge or my boss, that would be something completely different.

If I hadn't run away and helped them instead, pretending it had been a mistake to hit them, they might still have talked to me, but now? Now I highly doubted I would be allowed to approach them again without a protective vest.

"Did you at least apologize to Clarke for acting like the biggest asshole?" Momentarily, I turned pale. Could she read minds? Why did she have to know me so well? Sometimes it almost seemed like she was reading me like an open book. Fucking twin thing. Even if she exaggerated massively. And her behavior made me feel the need to defend myself and my honor. "No. Besides, I wasn't an asshole! You... "

O' didn't even let me finish. "Yes, you were. I know everything, Lincoln told me! You're a cop, shouldn't you know better? If they report you, you're definitely out of a job, and there's a good chance you'll be prosecuted. Lexa is going to be a lawyer after all! If she can stay after the internship, you have no chance. You know exactly where she works and her law firm would never turn against her after your shitty action, just because of the publicity. And honestly, you deserved to be unemployed!"

Her words left me speechless. My own sister was siding against me? "How can you not be on my side!" I yelled at her. My anger was growing and I couldn't suppress it anymore. She should feel how much she was hurting me! "I've always been on yours and now you're siding against me?!" My impulse screamed at me to hit the nearest wall with force, because breathing away would in no way do any good now, but I knew I had to keep my aggression in check or I would confirm everything she seemed to be convinced of anyway. Therefore, I merely clenched my hands into fists to at least relieve some pressure.

"But I've also never done anything like you! You used to really torture Clarke and forbid me to become friends with her and now this? What's wrong with you!" I took a step towards her, why exactly I didn't even know. Maybe to calm her down? "One more step closer and I'm calling the police Bell!"

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