Chapter 35

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Clarke's POV

"Now will you stop fidgeting, that won't make it go any faster." Raven stood in front of me with her hands on her hips, blocking my way. Which, of course, raised my spirits and didn't make me want to ram her unpointed into the ground. Somewhere I had to finally get rid of my pent-up energy or rather nervousness. Alright, the ramming into the ground thing was maybe a little too extreme, but my stomach was starting to go crazy, a little more so with each passing minute.

"Stop being nervous Rae. You're at least as excited as I am, only I have the balls in my pants to admit it." I dodged both her and the pillow she threw at me and went back to running my laps around the hotel room.

"This has nothing to do with having or not having balls, I'm just cooler than you and I don't have to rub it in everyone's faces." Confidently she stared at me. Ja ne, is klar, I believed her of course also unreservedly.

"First, I'm not everyone, I'm your bridesmaid and best friend and second, yes, you should. Rub your happiness in everyone's faces today. It's nice that you're happy, isn't it, and you'll probably swoon when you see them?" I winked at her meaningfully and she rolled her eyes. "I'm certainly not going to faint!"

"But speechless you most certainly are. No matter how cool you're supposed to be, you are and always will be a softie as soon as it comes to Anya." I stopped and looked at her for a moment, not missing the way her gaze became more crossed and a loving smile appeared on her lips. "Yes, yes, my baby girl." She said it so softly that it was hard to understand her, but the love was unmistakable.

I walked over to her and took her in my arms. "See, that's what I'm saying. This is exactly how it should be and no different," I whispered in her ear as she just hugged me tightly.

"Just between you and me Clarkey. I can't wait to finally marry her. It's been a real horror without her. Do you think there's any chance she'll change her mind?" There was suddenly no more of the joy, instead it was pure fear.

Lexa's POV

"Do you think there's a possibility and she'll change her mind after all? It's been the nightmare without her, Lex. What am I supposed to do if she gets weak in the knees?" Anxiously, my big, proud and unflappable sister looked at me, which brought a huge smile to my face.

Lovingly, I took her in my arms and hugged her tightly. "Anya, take a deep breath and exhale. She won't change her mind, believe me. She loves you with all her heart and is probably wondering the same thing you are right now."

She sighed and nodded. "You're probably right, but tell me, how come you're staying so calm while I'm dying a thousand deaths here?" Astonished, she looked at me, making me laugh. "Simply because I know for a fact that Clarke is somewhere fidgeting."

"And that's why you're not freaking out?" Her look turned incredulous and she drew her eyebrows together.

"Someone has to stay calm around the three of you." And it was true. No one could keep me calm today, no matter what, because in a few hours I was going to marry the love of my life and I was looking forward to growing old with her.

"Ey, that's actually my part." She grumbled, crossing her arms in front of her chest in a pout.

"Yeah, but today it's mine. You're allowed to freak out once in a while An. It's your wedding." All my life she had looked out for me and now, for once, I could finally repay her for all she had done for me. The here and now, would only make up for a fraction of that.

"Yours too though, right?" She followed up and I shook my head slightly. It was in her nature to worry about me and always put me first.

"The ones you saved, remember? If it wasn't for you, things would probably look different today. So lay back and relax. You're marrying a pretty crazy and annoying noodle today."

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