Chapter 6

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Clarke's POV

The first rays of the sun tickled my nose and I slowly woke up. I felt something on my chest and when I opened my eyes I saw brown hair. Lexa had snuggled up to me in her sleep and was now lying across me. Her arms were wrapped around me and her head was resting on my neck. I held her tightly and began to stroke her back. We probably lay there like that for a while. I was lost in thought and she was dreaming, before her breathing quickened a bit and she moved slightly. She mumbled something unintelligible, which made me laugh soundlessly. "What?"

"Time?" she just mumbled.

"I guess you're not a morning person?" She just grumbled and this time my laughter was loud. "Okay, I'll stop teasing you until you're awake. It's only 8AM."

"Then why are you waking me up?" Her voice was still a little rough and she took a deep breath, still resting on my neck.

"First of all, I didn't wake you up, I've been awake for about an hour and secondly, did you just smell my neck?"

"I thought you weren't teasing me anymore." She pouted, sounding like a little kid. 

Which made me want to kiss her because she was just way too cute. "That was a normal question and you're tired so very different than usual."

"Is that a good thing?" Her voice was still rough and sounded incredibly sexy. Stop. Stop thinking like that already. So I answered more innocuously. "I think it's cute."

"I'm not cute." Her protesting only made it sweeter and made me smile. "Yes you are, when you smell me."

"I never said I did." Her pouting increased and my heart soared as she snuggled up to me a little more, despite her statement.

"But you never said otherwise either." I pulled her a little closer to me and strengthened my embrace, she was still too far away for me.

It was only then that she seemed to notice how we were actually lying there and immediately pulled away. "I didn't mean to."

"It's all good. Did I complain then?" But she got up, grabbed her clothes and went to get dressed. "Am I supposed to understand that now?" I called after her.

"That wasn't very professional. Tonight I'm going to sleep on the sofa." It didn't sound like a question, but more like a statement, as if she was disappointed in her own behavior, as if she had expected more of herself.

"You know you don't have to? Did I offend you too much? Should I have woken you up or pushed you away instead?" My confusion grew, just a moment ago we had been so close and now she seemed so distant, as if she couldn't get far enough away from me. 

"You didn't do anything, I did. I clearly crossed a line." She shook her head slightly, as if it were unthinkable to cross it, like a law you weren't allowed to break.

"Because you snuggled up?" I didn't understand the world anymore. What was supposed to be wrong with that, please? We weren't having sex, and we still had all our clothes on. 

"Maybe we should keep a little more distance between us today, that would probably be best." It sounded like she was saying it to herself rather than me, but still, enough was enough, so I got up and joined her in the bathroom. 

At first I was just going to enter, but then decided to knock. "Lexa?" I tried to sound as gentle as possible. But she didn't respond, so I opened the door and saw her standing at the sink. Her head was hanging down a bit and her was stare. As soon as she heard me, however, she stood up straight and looked at me. I couldn't interpret her look, but it was different, even if I couldn't define it exactly. 

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