Chapter 22

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Clarke's POV

"Tell me you two, what did I miss here?" The tall dark blonde looked back and forth between me and Lexa.

"The same thing Lexa and I did with you two. Because you guys had to be so secretive about each other." I shrugged. That was true, after all.

"Listen Blondi, I didn't know about you either, so don't be a bitch about it." Okay, Anya was a little bitchy and the slight aggression in her voice didn't escape me either. This could be something.

But then Raven interfered. "That's not true, honey. I told you about Clarke, I just left out the part about Lexa..."

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and narrowed her eyes in annoyance. "We're still talking about that *honey* and you're blowing my comeback right now!"

"You're such a stubborn one, and I'm going to give you a pet name either way, so get over it before it becomes snuffle bunny." Shocked, Anya looked at her before her gaze turned icy again.

"You better not call me that one time!" But Raven only giggled. The woman obviously didn't scare her, which was more than I could say for myself.

That feeling didn't get any better when Anya turned to me. "Hey blondie." Her voice was cold and made my blood run cold.

"Clarke!" came out of Raven's, Lexa's, and my mouths simultaneously. Despite my fear, I still had a bit of pride in me and she certainly wouldn't take that away.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter. Besides, you have to earn me calling you that first... So, blondie," I rolled my eyes annoyed but waited for her question," How long has this been going on with my sister? Is it something serious or just an act for you? If it is, I'll tie you to some tree and skin you alive." She was about to elaborate when Raven reacted and pulled her friend to her. Lucky for me, I guess.

"Why don't you leave those two alone? You can always squeeze Lexa later..." Raven clasped the dark blonde's face and talked soothingly to her. But no matter how many times I tried, I couldn't imagine that this woman would let me tell her anything, let alone calm her down....

"But I need to know who my sister is having a relationship with. Maybe she's a serial killer and ... OUCH! What are you doing?" Angrily Anya looked at the dark-haired woman, who had punched her hard in the shoulder and was glaring angrily at her.

"First of all, I've already told you about her a few times, we just cleared that up, and second of all, talk properly about my best friend! She's my family! The only one I have left! So behave yourself!!!" The addressed one growled something unintelligible, but nodded in my direction, which made me laugh.

"What's so funny?!" I was directly sparked by Anya, but that only made me laugh harder. Hastily I tried to hide it behind my hand, though unfortunately unsuccessfully.

Not wanting to say anything wrong, I kept silent and avoided the big sister's gaze. Instead, I reached for Lexa's hand. Lightly, I played with her fingers. "Duuu, Lexa?"

"Yes?" Smiling, she looked from our hands, to my lips, and then to my eyes.

"Would you like to join us for more ice cream?" I sounded at least as shy as I felt at the question, making Lexa smile.

"That's what you're nervous about?" Amused, she raised an eyebrow and tilted her head slightly as her grin grew wider.

"Well... I don't want you, you guys, to leave yet. I want you with me." The longer I spoke, the quieter I got, until I was just whispering. Embarrassed, I lowered my gaze as my cheeks, for the first time in a long time, turned a slight shade of red. I would be lying if I said I missed it.

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